I bring you the second episode of the new project I started NBA Fragments, in this new installment I talk about what NBA basketball means and I make a retrospective towards the 90's I hope you enjoy listening to it, as always doing a quality work with original content.

Here I will leave you all the links to the different platforms where I am publishing this new project.

As you already know the podcast I am recording it in my original language which is Spanish, but don't worry that in a few days I will be publishing the written podcast, translated to English, so my English speaking readers friends in Scorum can also enjoy this new content.

Spreaker https://www.spreaker.com/episode/48079069

Ivoox https://www.ivoox.com/nba-fragmentos-podcast-experimental-2-el-audios-mp3_rf_80134832_1.htm

Anchor https://anchor.fm/nba-fragmentos/episodes/NBA-Fragmentos---Podcast--Experimental-2-El-Misticismo-de-la-NBA-en-los-aos-90s-e1c7i3n

I hope you like and are eager to support this new proposal in its second installment, you can leave your comments about what you think of this new project, to establish an excellent feedback.

You can also follow me on:

Twitter https://twitter.com/agfnzn1

Instagram @dread_negro