In a debut episode of his new HBO show The Shop that featured former Daily Show host, John Stewart, Lebron James sat and talked about some of his beliefs and prejudices that he dealt with growing up while playing basketball for an all white catholic high school. 

Source: Youtube- Lebron James Says He Had to Learn to Trust White People
"I'm not fuc**** with white people..."
"I went to school to play ball, and thats it..."
"Are they happy that I'm here because of who I am ? Or because of my conversation that I can have with them?"

Though to most of Lebron's fans, this may come off as a shock, but to many, such as myself, Lebron's words highlighted 'something' that many black (or any minority) youth deal with when playing a sport for a predominately white school - or when just having to compete at any level besides sports for that matter: writing, reading, math, testing, so on and so on....

This post was made not to stir any race baits or race wars but to better illuminate the underlying tensions that are still very much present in places of our lives where we don't expect them to be. It takes a mature and wise audience to begin to grasp and understand that no matter what race, background, or ethnicity we come from there's always that question of whether or not we are truly accepted and respected amongst the people we share a stage with. 

Instead of taking this opportunity to share my more pressing thoughts on this matter, I elected to copy and paste a handful of comments that stuck out to me when reading the reactions of others from this clip:

Comment Source: Youtube
Comment Source: Youtube

Comment Source: WorldstarHipHop

Comment Source: WorldstarHipHop

Thanks for reading. 

What do you think? 

Keep it classy

A more In depth short clip of The Shop is pasted below :