As all we know Kevin Durant got injured from his achilles tendon in June when they play against Toronto Raptors with Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals game 5.. Durant's rehabs was going fine and everything is on the right way but just now the Brooklyn Nets menagament talked about him and they said "We are not expecting him to get on the floor in 2019-2020 season.." This bad news came from Nets GM Sean Marks.. With this statement there would be a big question came out.. "What will happen next?" We had some news from last week and that was saying Kevin Durant will catch the playoff times in new season but we can see now that those news weren't true..
The Brooklyn Nets paid to Kevin Durant $164 Million for 4 years and Kyrie Irving got paid $141 Million for the 4 years.. And i believe they just tried to create a championship team. But now they have only Kyrie Irving and without Durant he can't bring the Nets to the Finals right?
Kyrie Irving, 27, who spent last year with the Boston Celtics and averaged 23.8 points, 5.0 rebounds, 6.9 assists and 1.5 steals per game. Kevin Durant, 30, was with the Golden State Warriors last season and averaged 26.0 points, 6.4 rebounds, 5.9 assists and 1.1 blocks per game.
I really hate the long term injuries specailly for star players.. I wish him to get well soon because watching KD is the one of the best basketball feast for me..