James has a loyal fan, and there will be her presence on James's court. He is the famous Rihanna. One thing that was very impressive was that she made a very incredible thing in the 2015 NBA Finals, enough to testify that her love for James has reached a level of madness.

In the finals, Rihanna ran to James's locker room and screamed wildly outside: "LeBron, LeBron...", and later, in order not to affect the smooth running of the game, work The staff took Rihanna away from the locker room, and this incident was once a sensation in the United States.

In fact, Rihanna likes James not only for his skills, but also for the character of James. He is a warrior on the court, but James is a good husband in life. As the first person in the NBA's active duty, James is an all-around star in the NBA. He can be more like a character than Jordan and Kobe. He has never had any scandals. He is a good husband in the league.