Podcast Fragments #6: Conference Semifinals and Finals
I just published the most recent episode of my new podcast where I analyze the NBA conference semifinals and finals, it is available in different formats, audio on different platforms and video on Youtube, so you can subscribe to support me for free and enjoy the best sports content with an analysis from my point of view. Below I will leave all the links for you to enjoy this great content. Source Anchor https://anchor.fm/nba-fragmentos/episodes/Fragmentos-6-Semifinales-y-Finales-de-Conferencia-e1je7h0 Spreaker https://www.spreaker.com/episode/50043323 Enjoy this work of sports analysis and do not forget to subscribe to the Youtube channel to have all the support of the community. Twitter https://twitter.com/agfnzn1 Instagram @dread_negro