Photo by KOMUnews (

This is just going to be an introductory post to start getting some of the NCAA football fans warmed up for the upcoming season. We are barely out of Spring training but the hype has already begun and if you are like me you are already getting hungry for the first news and pre-season rankings.

By JustDog [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

I love SEC football, but I'm also a big fan of NCAA football in general and I hope to be able to bring some unbiased stories and reports from across the Country and from all of the leagues.

So while we are all getting familiar with this awesome Scorum blogging Platform and I work to get to know some of you and make some new friends, I will also be working on an SEC preview for 2018 as well as my overall rankings and picks for the upcoming season.

This is a picture of me and my wife at a recent game, the stadium was rocking when this photo was taken and I was dreaming of being able to blog about the experience on Scorum, now that dream has become a reality!

Here is a pre-game warm-up shot as a bonus lol.

More later!