According to media reports, the former 2018 team coach Viking Stones Villanuvu will lose on Saturday.
"Tony, we all lost our hearts to Jan Strahan and all the families as their eldest son," said Zile Weil, leader of the Viking and Marc, in a statement. "Tony Gladly holds his heart, his children and they enjoy the moment of the heart and the same enthusiasm. TUO Niwei Beijing is trying to make sure he really gone." The family of Tony was in this belief not so much as the whole family, and the NFL fans of the Vikings still think. "
Mike Zimmer, General Manager and CEO of Rick Spielman, also released the report.
"I'm not saying that Tony has changed," Spearman said. Tony is more eager about football and his players. He is the one who saved his strong family. Today my heart is Spranos. As a team, we support them on the streets. "
Adding Zimmer ...... "I'm the victim for Tony Sparano, because he is one of the best staff of teachers and love is hard, I'm our linear trainer, he is a great man, father and grandfather and the spirit of this fight is a good friend. , But Tony does not matter. "
According to ESPN, Spallano's statements indicate painful pain going to the hospital on Thursday. It was tested and published on Friday.
Since 1999, Spirano has joined Viking and since 1999 joined Brones as an excellent supervisor during the NFL. In 2007, he was coach coach, coach, professional coaching coach, and coach of the Dolphin team from 2008 to 2011.
This season is 18-18 o'clock of Spirano 11-5, very popular. The AFC West Africa won the championship for the first time since its decline in 2001, and will not be the only option for Miami's 2016 Sparano 29-32 decision. Dickey Allen was released in Auckland after 4-4. He currently serves as the main protector in 2014. The strikers won three consecutive years after joining the giant season 49, winning the first time after winning Mike Zimmer, chairman of the Wingding Board.
She returns from her husband Tony Andrew, her daughter Ryan Lee and four grandchildren.