Under a great team, there is someone who controls your success, someone who follows you and teaches you the correct discipline to be great champions, by pressing them so that each day is stronger and, therefore, to achieve the desired glory. That person is a coach.

For that reason, I have brought films that show the importance of this character and how many of them are the ones that bring the glory of a team.

  1. When the Game Stands Tall:

It is a movie based on real events about a coach named Bob Ladouceur, who is in charge of a mediocre American football team, but in the future makes them reach the glory with 151 games won, breaking a record of more games won. It is a highly recommended film and the truth teaches you that teamwork makes great things happen.

2. Coach Carter:

It is the story of a coach in charge of a high school basketball team, where you can notice that they are not very good at playing, he works hard to turn them into great players and good men, but based on discipline and rules. It is one of my favorites, because with discipline and doing things well, great changes are achieved, not only in how you play but as a person.

I hope you enjoyed my presentation if you have already seen the movies, vote, and comment on how you liked it.