When I attended the ICO, 

I was excited to ask myself if one day can we buy an important match ticket through a decentralized blockchain system? Today bitcoin is accepted almost everywhere so why a dedicated coin like SCR can't? I said to me, "of course he can and of course he probably will".  

21,650 seats
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (California)
93,607 seats

if the average price is $150 per ticket, 
a full HORNET STADIUM will make $150 x 21,650 = $3,247,500  so with the actual rate of SCR it will make 3,247,500 SCR bought for this event only... volume will absolutely be there. 

If tickets are buyable by SCR COIN,

every smart people will also try to gain some SCR by the Scorum Blogging,Betting,Fantasy...platform and the combination of both will obviously, instantly, simply, propel SCR to the,          moon...

Thank's for reading.