Dogecoin is one of cryptocurrency that has existed for a long time. Although not as popular as Bitcoin, but Doge is still used to transfer because of its very cheap fee that is only 1 Doge only.

There are several ways to get Dogecoin, namely:

 Mining

 Faucet

 Buy it in Market

In the topic of this discussion, I will discuss how to get this dogecoin for free with mining.

1. Create a mining account first at

2. Fill the data correctly and validly

3. Then click the "Sign Up"

4. After that you will appear notification above right that you have to verify email

5. Check your inbox email, click "Activate" button or copy paste the link into your browser address after which you will be directed to a page like this to verify email, click Login to continue

7. Login using an account that has been made earlier

8. Once inside the Dashboard, see the Your Miner panel, adjust the number of Threads to the number of CPU cores you want to use

9. Click start mining to start mining


 Current Power = Current mining speed

 Hash Mined = Number of hash has been mined

 Hash Accepted = The highlighted hash has been confirmed by the blockchain network

Before entering Main Balance, doge will go to Pending Payment which will automatically go to Main Balance if it has reached 1 Doge or more. Please note that the process requires mining on the Dashboard for at least 5 minutes.

Minimum withdraw doge to each wallet only 10 doge, with transaction fee 3 doge. The fee will be taken from the total withdrawal, for example you withdraw 10 Doge then you will receive 7 Doge in your wallet.