Football Improves Heart Health in Childhood and Spurred Positive Motivation of Children


If you ask everyone what is the most popular sport in the world? The answer is definitely football. A recent study shows, it is inappropriate for parents to forbid their children to play sports that do not recognize these religious and racial boundaries. Because playing football has a positive impact on their growth.

Based on research conducted by the University of Sydney, allowing children to play the ball since childhood will make them grow into healthy and vibrant teens.

This research was conducted on a group of students aged 10-11 years. They are asked to play ball, from throwing, catching, to kicking the ball. At the end of the study, these children showed a 20 percent increase in fitness. And they became more enthusiastic in participating in various activities.

An extensive study has also been carried out on this sport by involving 50 researchers from 7 countries who are experts in the physiological, psychological and sociological fields. They will examine these aspects in the game of football.

Previously, a study was led by Peter Krustrup and Jens Bangsbo, both professors of sports at the University of Copenhagen, which took up to three years involving participants consisting of men, women and children aged 9-77 years.

Researchers divide the participants into three groups of groups that bermian football. Run, and control something. After being examined, the results show that football provides more health and fitness effects than just running.

The results are quite surprising, according to the leader of this study, Krustrup, said, football can improve the cardiovascular organs and increase positive motivation.

Playing football for 2-3 hours per week can cause significant improvements in the cardiovascular and metabolic organs of the body. The effect is also not limited to limited circles, but applies to men and women, young and old, even those who are good at playing football or not.

"Further research will be carried out to understand in detail what the health benefits of football are and how well football is beneficial for improving heart health in childhood and also for those with type 2 diabetes and cancer," Bangsbo said.

The results of this study have also been published in Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports.

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