It's one of the biggest sporting event of the year so this is all you need to know about the FIFA women World Cup 2019. It's the eighth time the tournament is being held. The first was in 1991, 61 years after the men's( 1930). It didn't help that women were banned from playing on club football ground in several countries including England and Germany until the 1970s.
This year's tournament is taking place in France in June and July and 24 teams have qualified. Just four(4) has won the title; that is the US, Japan, Norway and Germany.
In everywhere women football is on the rise global TV audience are growing as are the number of spectators. More than nine hundred thousand (900,000+) tickets already been sold for this year's event, with the opening match semifinal and final selling out within 48 hours.
The 2015 Women World Cup in Canada attracted more than half a billion(500,000,000+) TV viewers worldwide. And the final game between the US and Japan what's the most watched game ever in the US with over 25 million (25,000,000+) viewers tuning in.
The winning US Women's team then receive $2m ($2,000,000) in prize money and that amount is set to double (i.e $4,000,000) for the winner of this year's World Cup in France. However, still far less than the winning men's team got last year ($38,000,000).
What's your take?
It often argued that this is link to the difference in revenue generated by the men's and the women's events. But, the sport's governing body FIFA which sets the price money says the commission revenue from the women's world cup cannot be separated from those for other FIFA competitions as the rights are often sold as a package.
Despite grievances about unequal treatment and support, participation of the women's football is on the rise. In 2007 more than 1.3 million female players will registered with a National Football Association or affiliated club in Europe. There is a growing number of you play is semi-professional and professional players as well as qualified coaches and match officials.
Statistics recorded in Europe by the Football Government Body, UEFA has it that
Youth players:
As at 2016 was 827,877 increased to 960,959 in 2017.
Semi-pro/Professional players:
2,853 players were on record in 2016 which later move to 3,572 in 2017.
We had 17,553 qualified coaches in 2016 which rapidly increased to 19,474 the next year.
FIFA says it's working to increase female participation in football across the world.
So if you trust in number women football has become a serious force to be reckoned with.
Thanks for staying tuned.
This is my debut post for the 2019 FIFA Women World Cup.