Antun Goreta (24) with his team-mate saved ten people from the sudden storm on the beach in the Italian town of Anzio on the shore of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Nothing was suggesting any storm and the water polo player and his teammate went to the beach to swim and sunbath after the training.

Suddenly there was a mess and two-three hundred people started to get out of the sea with a few being caught up in bad weather and dragged away by the strong sea current and unable to escape to safety.

The swimmers could not be helped by the rescuers, helicopters or boats because the sea on that spot is shallow so the coast guard could not get closer, the same like two helicopters that were circulating above the beach. Even the rescue team was not physically strong enough so they also fall victim to sudden bad weather.

Seeing the trouble the water polo player and his peer jumped in the water and rescued all of them in a heroic act.

The whole incident passed without human casualties.

Bravo to the water polo players, you define the word 'hero' in the best light possible.

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Hrvatski vaterpolist sa suigračem spasio desetak ljudi od utapanja. Iz olujnog mora izvlačio i spasioce

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