Mete Gazoz, who won a gold medal in the "Classical Sagittarius Men" category in the World Cup held in Berlin, Germany, returned home. Mete, who made her initial statements at the airport, said she was happy and proud when she said she was well prepared for the tournament. The national athlete said that the next target is the European Grand Prix Championship.

Mete Gazoz, who stated that he is very well prepared for the World Cup, expressed that he is also champion in the Mediterranean Games organized in Spain and said, "There was a youth European Championship in Greece afterwards. I was waiting for the championship in the competition and I tried to reflect my training performance in the race and I did not win because I could. "I am very happy and very proud.

Mete Gazoz said, "We will fight there, I have won the final in the previous championship but I have lost it.

Thank you Mete Gazoz