panKUKU is a Hyper Deflationary Token Running on Binance Smart Chain BEP20. Our token was inspired by the famous Pancakeswap but soon expanded to a much bigger project and product offerings than any other Decentralized Exchange (DEX) on the Market.

Get KUKU Tokens with Metamask, TrustWallet, Formatic, or any WalletConnect compatible wallets in seconds!

#1. Download MetaMask mobile app or the Google Chrome Extension. You can also download and use the TrustWallet mobile app.

#2. Then you will have to add the Binance Smart Chain to your network list for the Metamask.

#3. Buy or send BNB Smart Chain (BEP token starts with 0x…) to your wallet and swap them for BUSD. Leave a little BNB for the exchange fee.

#4. Add KUKU Token Address to your wallet:


#5. Simply click on “Buy KUKU Token” on our website, then connect your wallet, add the amount your want to purchase, “Approve” first then “Swap”!

“Buy KUKU Token”

All Done!