When investing in a cryptocurrency, there are a number of things one should look at. Tokenomics is one of these things. Tokenomics refers to the study of the numbers around a token or coin and includes things like token supply, distribution, price, token sale, and others.

Why is Tokenomics Important?

In the crypto market, the two major things to affect the price of a cryptocurrency are its supply and demand. In general, the more the token demand and lesser the supply, the more should be the token value/price.

As for the token demand, the same can be increased by creating more use cases for the particular token.

The token supply refers to the total number of tokens in supply. Out of two cryptocurrencies, the one with a larger total supply is likely to have a lesser price than the other, given that both have similar demands in the market. This is because the total market cap for the token will be divided across the number of tokens, and the more the number, the less will be per token value.

Tokenomics is important to get an idea of the estimated value and future worth of the token.

Tokenomics of Excelli

Token Information

Name: Excelli Coin

Token Symbol: XLE

Token Standard: SPL

Blockchain: Solana

Decimal: 09

Total Tokens Supply: 10 billion

Token Price: $0.0012

Fundraising: $2.94 million

Full Dilution Value: $12 million

Future Mint: Fixed supply, future minting disabled

The total supply of XLE is limited to 10 billion. This is a maximum, fixed supply. No more coins can ever be minted. This also means that the coin price will likely increase over time due to a limited supply.

XLE Token Allocation

The image represents the token allocation or distribution of XLE. While 30% of the total supply will be used for the token sale, an equal number of tokens are reserved for ‘user rewards and ecosystem’. 20% tokens are kept aside for the team (platform sharing of the Excelli team members), 10% for marketing, 8% for liquidity, and 2% for the project advisors.

Token sale - 30% - 3 billion tokens will be sold to investors/buyers during the XLE token sale, which will be held in the following three rounds:

Seed - 5% - 500 million

Private - 23% - 2.3 billion

Public - 2% - 200 million

User Rewards & Ecosystem - 30% - 3 billion tokens will be reserved for the Excelli rewards program (to be offered as reward tokens to the platform users) and for use within the ecosystem. These tokens will have a 1-month lock, and 10% will be released every month linearly thereafter.

Team - 20% - 2 billion tokens are kept aside for the team, i.e. will be shared among the core team of Excelli. These tokens will have a 6-months lock, and 10% will be released every month linearly thereafter.

Marketing - 10% - 1 billion tokens will be used for the project marketing and to pay for the costs associated with the paid promotion of Excelli across online/offline platforms. These tokens will have a 1-month lock, and 10% will be released every month linearly thereafter.

Liquidity - 8% - 800 million XLE tokens are reserved to ensure ample liquidity for the token in the market. 20% of these tokens will be unlocked on the token generation event, and the remaining 10% will be released every month linearly thereafter.

Project Advisors - 2% - 200 million tokens will be shared among the advisors and partners of Excelli. These tokens also have a 1-month lock, and 10% will be released every month linearly thereafter.

As you can see, the tokens have a lock-in period and cannot be redeemed or sold during this period, which is to ensure that not all tokens are sold immediately after release. This will also help ensure the total supply in the market is never higher than the demand, which will help maintain a stable price for the XLE token.

Find out more in the Excelli Coin Whitepaper.