BeemerBoy will write his way to heaven she said. If there is a heaven. If there is a BeemerBoy.

As human kind we have become numb to our surroundings as we are constantly being fed more to consume, more to watch, more to buy and more to f*ck – literally. Man kind has once again become the hunted as opposed to the hunter. We have fallen prey. This time not to beasts of the past but to trillion dollar companies, mass-manipulation, media control, the reduction of freedom, bad nutrition, false promises and artificial gods. We no longer need to fight for survival, yet on various levels we all do on a daily basis.

Sports are a reflection of ours in the purest form that there currently is. And no, this is not a massive contradiction even if athletics themselves are a trillion dollar business being fed to us on a daily basis. Sports, however – the trillion Dollar business, a form of mind-numbing entertainment are a necessary foundation of ours. In current times, it is one of the only things that lets us feel human again. Lets us at least come close to feeling and living the way we should and very much need to, as opposed to making sure “we don’t over-eat” or trying to catch up to whatever TV soap is hot at the moment. Even if we’re not playing, we still get to feel the fire of competition and sometimes get as emotional as if WE WERE in the game, as if we were fighting a war, side by side with our brothers ourselves. As if victory meant survival and defeat meant the end. On a nightly basis we see two clans fighting for survival in various domes and colosseums, taking the biggest stage there is. They are, however, not only fighting for themselves but in many respects for all of us. They are living proof that we are all not simply disintegrating into self destruction and mindless consumerism. Even if AI takes away our jobs and hope, we can still be sure that there is no way in the universe that it’ll be able to ball out like A.I., there is no way in heavens that we could ever feel that same spirit, that same heart, that same warrior mentality if we were watching a machine. No way no.

Sports are here to stay. Sports are here to prove that we weren’t only put on this planet as a stepping stone for artificial intelligence or for whichever other thing that is celebrated as “better”. Sports are a reflection of ours and prove that no matter what, we indeed are special.

There is a reason why athletics are in one way or another in tangled in every aspect of life, be it politics, art, history or the very things that make us human. It is the very reason we watch the modern day gladiator step out on the court or field every single night. It is the reason why the gladiator, the warrior – the athlete is here to stay for eternity.

BeemerBoy won’t die she claimed. BeemerBoy won’t die she said and then left for eternity.