Belly stomach can interfere with appearance, including making not freely wearing various types of favorite clothing. In addition, eating too much and a little exercise can also make the stomach more bulging and at risk of causing illness. Therefore it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle is very important.

Actually there are several ways that can be done so that the big stomach to be like that is by doing liposuction. However, although fairly fast is very dangerous and cause side effects.

Doing exercise is one important step to shrink the stomach. By exercising regularly, maintaining your diet and living a healthy lifestyle. Calories that enter the body through food can perform metabolic processes and converted well into energy so as not to accumulate into fat.

The recommended types of exercise to shrink the stomach can be done on foot, cycling, swimming and crunches. Someone is advised to exercise regularly at least 3 times a week with each duration of at least 30 minutes.

It is recommended that exercise be done 1 hour after breakfast. If sports time is not right, it will damage the health. If exercising in the afternoon starting at 3-5 because at that time was no more food in the stomach. Therefore, food has been entered into the intestine and absorbed, so that physical activity is better done.

In addition to exercise also needs to regulate lifestyle and diet to limit fat, cholesterol and calories in the body so as not to accumulate.

Similarly short tips about exercise shrink the stomach that I summarize from various sources. May be useful.

1. Jenis-Jenis Olahraga Untuk Mengecilkan Perut Buncit
2. Olahraga Mengecilkan Perut Dan Paha Dalam 1 Minggu
3. Waktu Olahraga yang Tepat untuk Bantu Hilangkan Lemak di Perut