I celebrated my birthday on the 3rd of September and it was such a great day as I was shown a lot of love. I wrote for myself a poem 10years ago and I'm going to celebrate with it.
I want to dedicate this short poem for myself to celebrate my birthday. This poem was written by me on the 3rd of September, 2008, exactly 10 years ago.
One special day in a year
It happens every year
On this day some years back
He was born into this sinful world
Immediately the world heard his cry
There was a sound of rejoice
People rejoice because he was born into the world
On this day every year
People come around to celebrate with him
The celebration is to mark the day he was born
"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wissom"
Do you know what?
It is my birthday
- fatherfaith 030908
I wish myself long life, prosperity and peace of mind.
Happy Birthday to me