I'm sure we all have read John chapter 6 before. If you've not read the whole chapter, at least you've read some parts. You've most likely read about Jesus feeding 5,000 men in John 6, and/or read how He walked on water later on in the same chapter. If you've never read it, I still believe you've heard these stories in some point in life. The story of Jesus feeding 5,000 men with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes is quite popular. Even non Christians have heard about it, unless access to a bible is prohibited in your country.

## John Chapter 6

> *17* But as darkness fell and Jesus still hadn’t come back, they got into the boat and headed across the lake toward Capernaum.

>*19* They had rowed three or four miles when suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the water toward the boat. They were terrified.

>*22*The next day the crowd that had stayed on the far shore saw that the disciples had taken the only boat, and they realized Jesus had not gone with them.

Did you notice something strange happening in the above scriptures? So I wanna share something something I observed, and If you know better, you teach me. We are all here to learn. In my observation, the people had wanted to make Jesus King so he removed himself from the crowd. At evening time, the disciples had waited for Him long enough and when he wasn't coming, they left without him. This can be confirmed in verse 17. The disciples went without Jesus to Capernaum.

In verse 22, we also see another confirmation that Jesus didn't go with His disciples, meaning he was still supposed to be with the crowd. The disciples had taken the only boat available to Capernaum and there was no other way to reach Capernaum. I'm sure the distance wasn't short enough to swim because verse 19 showed that the disciples traveled ove 3 miles to get there, so there was no way Jesus could swim. But something wonderful happened.

As the disciples had traveled over 3 miles with Jesus believed to be left behind, the sea grew rough. They were terrified and suddenly, they saw Jesus approaching their boat. This should mean Jesus was coming from the other side, which is where they were headed. Someone who was left behind is now coming towards them? Even if Jesus swam, could he have swam that fast? And if He walked on the water, could he have walked that fast? I think there is a miracle here. I really wanna find out what happened so comment below and tell me your opinion. Counting on the community to help me sort this out.