Ingersoll Lockwood has become very popular in recent times with 2 of his books in the media for the similarities with the current 1st family of the United States. This two books are, ***" Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey"*** and ***"The Last President"***.

It is purported that John Trump, who is president Donald Trump's uncle was a friend of Nikola Tesla. Before the death of Nikola Tesla in 1943, he claimed to have built a time travel machine. The US government seized his inventions and after giving up on figuring out how it works, they hired John G Trump to give it a try. As to whether he figured it out and used it, I don't know.

Some coincidentally fun facts that you might not have known. Donald Trumps mum is called Mary, and his dad's middle name is Christ (*you can research if you doubt*). What does that make Donald? You have to answer that yourself. Donald was born on a total *Lunar Eclipse*. Does that make him special?

The books mentions a Fifth Avenue hotel where Donald Trump lives in the Trump Tower on the corner of Fifth Avenue in New York. The book talks about a rich man who becomes president when nobody expected. Is that just a coincidence? The main character is Baron and that's the name of Donald and Melanie's only child. Could all be coincidences but I just thought you should hear this. You can check out both books and other books by Ingersoll Lockwood to learn more.