Carla Health Quality part 1

Karla (kirla, okay, eject) is a type of fruit vegetable. The curry is bitter and its body is filled with worn wires. In the English it is called Balsam pear, alligator pear, bitter gourd, bitter melon, bitter cucumber etc.

The benefits of this vegetable are not less for human health.

Extreme bitter taste is eaten in many ways. Even some of them even eat with juice. This karla has an extraordinary nutritional quality. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, vitamin A, C and various types of Vitamin-B. Let us know, some health benefits of karla-

(1) clean the blood: Carla works as a natural blood cleanser. Many times due to blood pressure, headaches, allergies, fatigue increase and decrease in immune system. Impressions of blood imperers help to clean or detoxify. Regular use of skin increases the skin's brightness and the skin is released from various types of problems. For this, drink lemon juice and honey mixed with lemon juice and drink it every day. Drink this for six months.

(2) Blood glucose under the control of diabetes is able to control diarrhea caused by lowing effect. There are three types of active subset of anti-diabetic quality.