Carla Health Quality part 2

(3) ensures the health of the liver

Hepatic richness plays a beneficial role in maintaining good health of the liver. Helps in the process of liver filtering, it cleanses blood extracts and eliminates liver harmful toxins. Normally, the liver reduces the risk of obesity, reduces cardiovascular disease, digestive problems, headache, and many other diseases. So take a lump of juice at least once a day to keep liver better.

(4) Reducing cholesterol This extraordinary vegetable reduces the low-density lipoprotein levels in the body. As a result, the risk of heart attack, heart disease and stroke greatly reduced. So keep your diet in doctor's advice or accept supplement.

(5) Increases the prevention of disease Regular play helps increase the immunity of the body. So any kind of disease can be protected from pests. You can drink tea for this reason.

(6) Cancer prevention can also prevent cancer. Antioxidants that work in front of it, have different types of cancer due to free radical damage.

(7) Carbon helps reduce weight , is a great source of phytonotrients and anti-oxidants, which can reduce body weight. This vegetable makes the metabolism faster by carbohydrate, because fat is stored in the body.

(8) Anthalomantic compounds, which are in internal decomposition, protect the body from internal worm. For this, drink half cup of curry juice in an empty stomach for one week.