As you may be aware i blog since ages about crypto and i have made my second ebook lately. As always - free since i don't take money for info.

Right now its free on Kindle/Amazon if you have Amazon account consider to get it and rate if you enjoy. Its up here if you have another country account just change .com to ie .ca or something.

If you do not have Amazon or you read this post after the promotion ended (Amazon wont let you list free ebooks, you need to make them free with promotion) then do not worry - you can get it free forever from

If you know me from here or other places, im short and to the point and i do make typos or mistakes sometimes. But a typo doesn't make method working and less effective.

The ebook consists of a nice number of tricks that old schoolers and newbies will find useful. How do i know? Because it was downloaded more than 300 times so far and i got feedback.

So enjoy this little present from me, i find all the tricks useful and did them myself.