Water is very essential to mankind, it covers 70% of the earth and with this statistic, we might think that it will always be abundant.

However, the freshwater we drink and bathe and irrigate our farmland is extremely rare, out of 70% of the world’s water 3% is freshwater and ¾ are found in frozen glaciers or invariable not useful. ,

And as a result of all this 1.1 billion people are suffering from water scarcity and 2.7 people also find water-scarce at least a month in a year. And this also results in diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, and diarrhea with other water-borne diseases. And it is estimated that 2 million people mostly children die of diarrheal diseases.

Water scarcity also damages ecosystems. How?. When there is water scarcity natural landscape often looses out. In central Asia we find the Aral sea, it was once the 4th largest freshwater lake in the world. But over three decades an area the size of lake Michigan has been lost. Due to the excessive decomposition, it is now salty. The retracted sea had left polluted lands. And this ecological disaster has caused food shortages and as a result, it causes malnutrition especially in children.

Climate change is one of the causes of water scarcity. As we humans exhale carbon dioxide and other green gases in the air patterns of water and weather will be affected around the world.

It will cause droughts and floods in some geographical areas. Glaciers will melt off in some areas and this will impact the fresh waters supplies in some areas. And these will join in water scarcity in farming, energy generation, and ecosystems around the world

In agriculture water is needed, when scarce it causes fruit deficiency and affects food productions.

For example in Australia has been a major exporting country. The recent drought has lessened dryland farming and the quantity of water distributed to saturated agriculture.