So hi everyone I super excited to be here, and I've been seeing a lot of sport posts and I can't wait to be apart of it and start sending out my sports content, but for now let's get to meet each other.


My name is Franklin, and I'm a Nigerian and I reside in Lagos. I'm a big sports fans and my major love has two be football just like a host of my country men. I support Liverpool FC (and I hope we win the league this season😂😂) and I've been a fan of Liverpool since I knew what football was and starting watching it (so that's like over 20years now😍😍).


I also watch other sports and I also seriously follow a few of them. I love basketball a lot and I am a big fan of Lebron James. Been supporting him from Miami heats and moved to Cleveland cavaliers (I cried when they won the NBA title) and I am still with him currently. I also love James Harden, Step Curry, Klay Thompson, Kevin Durrant and a host of others (and I used to be a Dwayne Wade fan when he was still playing). Apart from Basketball I also love Tennis and Roger Federer will forever be my idol, I also love Rafeal Nadal and Andy Murray. I used to follow Golf before but I am no longer current on what is happening there again.


Well that's a bit about my sport likes. I want to meet and know as many people as possible. Pls drop a comment and let me get to know you too. I look forward to meeting amazing people on this platform🙌🙌.