Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Friends, today I will share with you an incident of Hazrat Ashraf Ali Thanvi (RA) by which I can understand that I have never been disappointed with the mercy of Allah.



When Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ashraf Ali Thanbi (Rah.) Used to pray and tears would come to his eyes, he would wipe these tears all over his face. Once one of his students noticed the matter. The student said, Hazrat, what is the basis of your action?

Hazrat Ashraf Ali Thanbi said: I hope Allah will protect my face from the fire of Hell with the blessing of this cry. He was also a student, he said, if someone's face survives, and if his body does not survive then what is the benefit.

Hazrat Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Rah.) Narrates an incident about this,

He said that a minister died during the reign of King Aurangzeb Alamgir. The minister had a young son but he was very intelligent. And the king loved him very much. When the child reached the king, King Aurangzeb Alamgir (ra) was sitting next to the pond he had built in his palace. The child approached, saluted, and when he shook hands, the king tightened his fingers and said to the child: I will not drag you into the water .....?

The boy smiled, King Aurangzeb was surprised that the child should have panicked and everyone said that the child was intelligent.

So he asked: Why are you smiling ...? The child begins to say: Sir, a few fingers of my hand are in your hand, and you are holding me tight, I am afraid of drowning. Will you let me drown in this water before your eyes?

After narrating this incident, Hazrat Thanbi (Rah.) Said, if this child has so much confidence to hold the finger of the king, then shouldn't we have so much confidence in the mercy of Allah that if he protects. His face from the fire of hell, then his whole body will also save you from the fire of hell.

Every donor gives according to his dignity. Gifts of kings according to the glory of kings. We too will get the best opinion from Allah, the Lord of glory, then He will act according to His glory.

The father stood his little boy away and said, "Come to me, son." Then the father's love awakens, then the father himself goes and takes the child in his arms.

In the same way, let us continue our efforts to please our Lord. Even if our efforts are weak, the emperor who loves us seventy times more than our parents will surely give us his love. When we receive the love of Almighty God, we will be successful in this world and in the Hereafter.