Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Friends, today I will share a different thing with you. You can call it photography.

When I bought my SAMSUNG A52 5G mobile, I went to my elder brother's house, took some beans and pictures of bean flowers from there, I am sharing them with you.

Photo edit by Picsart app

Beans are a popular vegetable in Bangladesh, beans can be cooked and eaten in different ways. We Bangladeshis call us Bengali in fish and rice. This is a very interesting dish when fish is cooked with beans.

This bean can be eaten cooked with different curry, again this bean can be eaten fried, again this bean can be eaten mashed.

When the beans ripen, the beeches become a little bigger. Then it is a lot of fun to fry and eat this bean bean.

My eldest son Afif loves to eat beans. If any curry is cooked, if there are bean seeds in it, then my son eats them separately.

There are different types of beans, but beans from Bangladesh are the most interesting. In our Bangladesh this bean area is called by different names due to its diversity. In some areas it is called Anas, in some areas it is called Chai.

In our Bangladesh, village girls cultivate it in their backyards. The vines of the bean tree are thin and twisted. It is cultivated by making bamboo scaffolding in the home vegetable garden.

Thanks to everyone for viewing my today's photography and reading the post.
