Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

It is very difficult to find trustworthy people nowadays. There are still faithful people in the world, though very few. If we all become faithful and get better then the world will be beautiful, there will be no fighting, there will be no unrest. We could live in harmony with each other.


At present there are very few faithful people. Most people think only of themselves, always thinking of ways to get more wealth. Doesn't think of legal-illegal, thinks of income in any way. Trying to make other people's things their own.

An incident of fidelity is mentioned below.

A man was very faithful, he once bought a land from someone, he got a gold jug from the land, he came to the land seller with the gold jug and said, brother! This gold pitcher was found in the land I bought from you, you take it, I bought land from you, I didn't buy a gold pitcher.

The owner of the land said: I have sold to you the land and everything in between. So this gold jug is not mine, it is yours.

Both of them feared Allah so much that they all thought that it should not happen that even though I have no right over the golden jug, I accept it only from the words of the person in front of me and I will be caught on the Day of Resurrection. So they both decided that what we really needed to do was learn how to do it right.

So they both go to a knowledgeable person in their area to solve their problem. After exchanging greetings, both of them talked about their problems.

After listening to them, he asked: Do you have any children? One said: I have a son. Another said: I have a daughter. He said to the two of them: Marry your sons and daughters to each other and spend this wealth for their needs and distribute what is left to the poor.

See how faithful these two men were and how much they feared God. So when someone brings something to you, check it first. If it is not your thing, be happy and give it back. It is a very bad habit to keep other people's things with you.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.
