Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Friends, today I will share with you one more story, which if read, I will understand how Allah Ta'ala is having mercy on us.

A man was lying under a tree when suddenly he saw a scorpion coming towards him, so he stepped back a little. The scorpion passed by him as if he were going to work, he thought, surprisingly, the scorpion left without telling me anything.

He started following the scorpion, after going some distance a river came in front, scorpion came to the bank of the river and stood as if waiting for the boat.

After a while a leaf was seen floating in the water and it came to a halt in front of the scorpion. As soon as the scorpion climbed on it, the leaf moved forward. The man jumped into the river and started swimming behind the scorpion. When the scorpion reaches the other side of the river, the leaf stops, and the scorpion descends from the leaf to the river bank. In the meantime the man reached the other side of the river and climbed to the shore.

The scorpion began to move forward, and on its way came to a sleeping man in the distance. A snake came near the sleeping person, and when the snake started biting the sleeping person, the scorpion bit the snake, so the snake died and the scorpion moved forward.

The man who had reached here behind the beetle fell at the feet of the sleeping man and he woke up and said to him, You are a man of great honor.

Sleeping asked, why? Then he told her the whole story. After hearing the story, he said, "Brother, I am a Jew."

The man left the Jew, bowed his head and fell down in prostration, and said, O my God, you have done such a great thing to save a man. And I worry day and night, you do something better for me.

If we open our eyes, we will understand what God is doing to us and where He is helping us, and then we will never lift our head from prostration.

O man, why do you worry about what is written in your destiny? Your Lord is the best judge. There may be something good in my sorrow.