Stupid meatheads they are..

Such were always my thoughts when I've seen someone talking about working out or something related to fitness. It wasn't at all agains other team sports or ball games. I always like those....but cultivating body, eating healty and having high self-esteem because of my big muscles or because I can beat you up? They are all stupid, I thought!


Just several years passed and now I'm the one being proud of my pullup count, my healthy lifestyle and the fact I might (hopefully) stand a chance in some street fight encounter agains some drunk fuck....

Humans are animals!

Many people (me including for many years) try to bring intelligence into this. "Why does he feel better just because he could beat me up or he has bigger muscles? I'm smarter then him in other areas..." Well, we're animals and that's why. Over time, as I was watching myself transform, I've realized it really is what's left in us, humans, from animal world. Being physically stronger just gives us confidence while being smarter doesn't necessarily have the same effect. There's no reason to find such act something stupid or primitive.

We're not as different as we think

If we see someone good looking on the street and we feel attracted towards that person, we don't find it stupid. And that's also 100% based on our animal insticts. So why self-esteem build on the same animal-ish instincts is often saw as something unintelligent?