The best way to get rich with Roulette – is to own a table. That is true because the bank always has a edge. In Roulette there are 37 numbers but if you bet at one number you “only” get back 36 times the money. So the bank has 1/37 edge. That is about 2,7% in edge.

The best way to explain edge is that

“If you play for 100 USD you will in statistic loose 2,7 USD”

Of course you can win some time and loose sometime. But if you bet 1 million times at the same number you can see the statstic that you will loose 2,7% of the money (if you bet same amount every time).

SO – In long term you will always loose. Of course because Casino wants to earn money. That is the reason I do not play dice or roulette as long as I see the bank has an edge. I do not think it is fun to know that I only rely on luck..


I only play casino when I see that the edge is in my favour. In one bettingsite I get this offer this week.

Play for 25USD and get 5USD for free. The money you get you can take out to your bankaccount and you do not need to play with it. You can do it 4 days in a row.

Alright – Now we taking

I will now play 1 USD at red. And do it 25 times. I will do it 4 days and statistic get red 48,6 times. I will calculate with 48.

I will play for 100 USD. I will win 48 times. After this times I will statistic have left 96 USD. I am loosing 4 USD.

BUT for that I get 4x5 USD

I get 20 if I loose 4. So it is a good bet. Statistic and in long term. Maybe I will win more – maybe I will loose. BUT as long you have the edge at your side you will win in long term.

This is how I play mostly. Both in casino and gambling. Longterm…