Violence against women and murders of women in the world are increasing day by day.

Despite all the measures taken against women, violence against women and murder of women can not be avoided. The way to get the right precautions to prevent the phenomenon, first of all, is to determine the causes of this problem correctly.

In this sense, the causes of violence against women and the murders of women can be summarized under 5 headings.

1.)  Should Women Take Preventive Mea

Kadına yönelik şiddet ve cinayet olaylarının en önemli sebebi, mağdurların yani kadınların yeterince korunamamasıdır. Şiddet nedeniyle yetkililere ulaşan kadınlar ya evlerine geri gönderilmekte ya da yetersiz şekilde korunmaktadır.

Şiddet gören kadınların bir kısmı koruma talep ettiği halde, gerekli önlemler alınmamakta ya da geç alınmaktadır. Kadınları koruyucu evlerin sayısının azlığı da bu anlamda önemli bir eksikliktir.

Dolayısıyla önce kadını koruyacak daha sıkı tedbirlerin alınması, kadın koruma evlerinin sayısının arttırılması gerekmektedir.

2.)  Inadequacy of Laws?

Another important reason for violence against women and murders of women is that the laws are not sufficient and deterrent. However, one of the most important aims of criminal law is to deter, to reform and to gain collectivity.

The lower penalty limits prevent the penalty from being a deterrent in this sense and also impair the function of recuperation and collecting.

In particular, the reasons for the abstinence discount, violence against the criminally committed woman and the crime of murder of women should be limited to a very limited extent, and the prevention of the imprisonment of the ills should be avoided.

3.) Patriarchal Society Structure

Another important reason for violence against women and women murders is the patriarchal society. Such societies always see, restrict and constrain women from men.

Many acts of pride and even reward when done by men can be a cause of violence or even death if done by women.

In particular, the concepts of honor and honor are concepts that are sought only in women in patriarchal societies, which are based on the fact that the great majority of cases of violence against women are based on these reasons.

4.) Understanding that the house is private

Another important reason for violence against women is the understanding that it is intrinsic to the home, and that the husband and wife should not be entered.

Women still can not tell anyone about violence in many places, such as fear of seeing violence again, condemnation, public hearing, gossip, and therefore can not ask for help from anyone.

Despite all these fears, a considerable number of women who are seeking help are reconciled with their husbands and sent back to their homes with the thought that they will not enter the husband and wife again. This mea .

5.) Unemployment

Violence against women and women's murders are a social question. The most effective aspect of solving such a problem is education.

The establishment of the auto control mechanism in individuals, the development of conscience and the provision of emotional success are extremely important in this sense.

However, it is also possible to investigate the social and psychological reasons leading to violence by individuals and to develop proposals for solutions to these problems. Because, with proper education, people's mentality can be changed, so society can be shaped.

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