Speaking about alopecia, it is known that hormonal and hereditary causes of severe baldness, age-related changes.

The cause of hair loss can due to some habits such as:

- A diet consisting mostly of junk food, snack foods, fatty heavy foods.

- Lack of normal sleep patterns, "night" lifestyle

- The use of hard liquor

In extreme cases - the use of light psychotropic substances.

Usually one negative habit goes hand in hand with others, especially in young people under 30 years of age.

The negative effect of alcohol on hair growth

Regular and heavy drinking is one of the worst problems a person creates for himself. Naturally, the hair reacts to this. Remember, have you ever seen a street drunkard with thick hair?

The aggressive effect of alcohol on the hair - Severe dehydration of the whole organism. First, your hairline will deteriorate dramatically. Hair will become brittle, dry, and dull. If you continue to continue to drink in large quantities, the hair will begin to fall out much stronger than expected in the natural cycle of growth and loss.

Our body is very clever - When there is enough nutrition for the scalp, hair regenerates on its own, protecting us from baldness. But because of alcohol, of course, the liver goes down, stops toxins from the body.

As a result, intoxication appears - The circulatory system suffers, and the capillaries of the scalp "clogged", blocking the nutrient transfer to the follicles. Hair follicles are deficient in oxygen and nutrients. In this case, the old hairs will die off with the follicles, falling out, and the new hair will simply not grow anywhere.

How does nicotine affect hair growth?

Smoking - the enemy is more dangerous than alcohol. Its negative effect on the body does not manifest itself immediately, but inflicts severe damage to all systems. The fact that hair falls out due to smoking was proved after a large-scale study of scientists in 2007. Cigarettes contain powerful toxins, including nicotine. Poisoning your body, we ourselves do not notice how these substances cause severe intoxication in the blood vessels of the head.

Smoking falls out of hair

Smoking is so bad for the hair that they literally "suffocate" from nicotine fumes instead of consuming enough macronutrients, vitamins, oxygen. As a result, the hair follicle slowly dies and becomes thinner. In addition, smoking causes hair loss in men of age due to a massive impact on the endocrine system, which is responsible for regulating the process of “loss à growth”. Restore the density of the scalp naturally will not work.

Smoking and alcohol rudely interfere with the work of the human body, and baldness is one of the most innocuous consequences for lovers of missing a glass while smoking a cigarette. For women who are worried about their appearance, the direct connection between smoking and hair loss gives a lot of aesthetic discomfort. To prevent early alopecia, you will have to forget about unhealthy lifestyles, otherwise hair restoration will be the only way out for you.

External and internal factors of growth and health of hair

Clinical studies have shown that human hair grows an average of 1.2 cm per month. At the same time there are hair growth factors affecting this indicator. The combination of causes and disorders can affect not only growth, but also the health of hair.

Causes of poor hair growth are divided into external and internal. The external factor can be changed without resorting to radical methods and long-term treatment.

- The general condition of the scalp is impaired (this includes fungi, epidermal diseases and pathologies, irritation, which influences the hair growth, disruption of the sebaceous glands, etc.).

- Improper hygiene conditions (unsuitable shampoo applied, no knowledge of washing and rinsing techniques).

- Lack of care after washing.

- Chemical products with an increased level of acidity are used, and excessively hot water and air are also used during the use of the hair dryer (it can lead to disturbances in the structure of human hair, their fragility increases, etc.)

- Additional protective methods are not applied (during heat, in wind, in cold weather and other adverse weather conditions, when there is a significant influence on the structure and hair development)

Internal factors

- Internal preconditions to eliminate more difficult:

- Problems with hormonal background (during pregnancy, the use of hormonal drugs and contraceptives).

- Eating disorders (insufficient intake of vitamins).

- Frequent stressful situations (Incomplete of sleep, nervousness, etc.) have a great effect.

- The effect of potent drugs, antibiotics.

- Maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle (the effects of nicotine, alcoholic beverages, persistent physical and psychological stress, etc.).

- The blood circulation process in the skin of the head zone is disturbed (lack of nutrients and trace elements in the hair follicles).

Hair boost to stimulate growth

Lack of vitamins for hair growth has a significant impact on the development of the hair follicles. Sufficient fluid should be consumed. Trichologists are sure that the main cause of fragility and dryness of hair is moisture deficiency. It is necessary to drink every day at least one and a half liters of water, which is beneficial not only for the bulb, but also affects the body's cleansing in general.

Digestion Improvement

Different foods containing fatty acids are added to the diet: sea fish with walnuts. The body must constantly receive adequate nutrition: vitamin F, which forms a lipid film that protects the hair (boiled fish and white meat, apples), Vitamin A, which gives nourishment from the inside (beans, nuts, dairy products). H-biotin, which helps to form collagen and accelerate growth and development (use of boiled liver, soy, tomato, spinach).

Intestinal problems are eliminated. During dysbacteriosis, beneficial trace elements are not absorbed in the right quantity. And also, additional hair protection during bad weather, hygiene rules and a regular visit to the doctor with a full examination of the body will not be superfluous.

External manipulation

Lack of nutrition is one of the main reasons why hair grows badly. Therefore, the flow of makeup should be carried out properly artificially. Apply regular external treatment techniques.


It should be done with thumb and forefinger, moving from top to bottom, massaging parallel to the hairline. The skin is slightly stroked with increasing pressure, and is completed by lightly pressing. The advantage of this procedure is to stimulate hair development, in complete relaxation after stress.

It takes into account the fact that a large amount of products that provide proper hair care. They are able to stimulate hair growth, as well as provide daily care for them. In case of serious problems with hair loss, FUE hair transplant will help with further treatment.