In my indigenous community of Kumarakapay, La Gran Sabana, Bolívar, Venezuela, every year we hold the Bow and Arrow sport competition. In the case of us Pemons, we have used it for thousands of years for hunting and fishing as well as for war and defense.

Men wear their typical costume for the opening day of the competition.

Every October 12th, to celebrate the Day of the Race, the encounter of two worlds or Indigenous Resistance Day, we hold a competition of this ancestral sport where men, women and children participate.

The grandfather who took his grandson against his will

I share with you some photos captured at different times during the opening day of last year's celebration.

No typical costume.

Typical costumes are made with natural fibers woven by artisans. In this way it is given a special coloring to adorn this day of competition. On the left we can see this imposing warrior who leads the team of archers.

Even the little ones take part in this annual celebration of the Bow and Arrow.