It's a recurring debate, is fasting sport good or bad for the body? The reality is in between. Fasting physical activity has both benefits and risks. Here's what you need to know.

What are the benefits of fasting sport ?

Fasting sports promote the use of fat. The body looks directly into the fat that is stored to have enough energy to fuel the metabolism during sports. Attention, the caloric expenditure is not more important, it is only question of a different functioning of the body. It is also a remedy that can be used to avoid feeling bloated during the effort. On an empty stomach, you do not have problems with digestion.

You also allow the optimization of the use of energy by your body, which can be interesting in the preparation of a long and intense effort. On an empty stomach, you quickly find yourself facing a situation that you may know later in a marathon, for example.

What are the risks of fasting sports ?

You may end up with hypoglycemia. This risk is increased if you are not used to long-term efforts or require a lot of energy. A lack of energy can cause a loss of consciousness. Without going to this extreme, it can cause premature exhaustion and therefore a lower level of performance.

A fasting weight training session can help you lose fat, but not gain muscle. For this, you must have the sources of nutrients, including sufficient protein when going to the room. There is also a risk of dehydration if you have not drunk properly or sufficiently. The body produces more toxins during a fasting practice. It is therefore necessary to take special care to eliminate them.

Studies have also shown that unhealthy physical activity causes greater hunger throughout the rest of the day, challenging the effectiveness of weight loss in a sport in these conditions.

How to practice sport while fasting ?

Bring a fruit or energy bar with you. This small refueling will be useful in case of blow of fatigue. Do not overestimate yourself as this practice is risky. Do not make a session too long or too intense. During a fasting race training, do the bottom and not the split or the search for performance.

Anticipate with your diet the day before. Once on the road, go step by step. If you start a sport again to get fit, do not start with a practice without eating. It must go by palliate.