We are used to wrestling during our childhood. Some of us watch them in WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) or WWF (World Wrestling Federation) and we mostly entertained with their unique and powerful wrestle actions.

Most of them are muscle builders which they can easily lift their opponent and slam them but as we grow adult, we have seen that true wrestling is not that one that we see during our childhood, instead there's Olympic wrestling that really shows the true form of wrestling.

Anyway, there is an unusual type of wrestling that i am really curious into. And that is Toe Wrestling where two participants will do wrestle by just using their toes. The wrestling type is more like in the arm wrestling where you need to interlock opponents big toes and try to force it off to toedium (A little stadium for toe wrestling).

Toe Wrestlers - Image Source

This type of wrestling originated on the year 1976, that is when the World Toe Wrestling Competition has started in Wetton, Derbyshire UK.

They also make some recommendation to add this to Olympic as one of its official sports but sadly it was not approved. 

I haven't seen yet the actual wrestling but it seems entertaining to me.

What do you think of this kind of wrestling? is this worth to be added in the Olympic Games in the future?