This is the first such incident in Russia's World Cup. There is also the result of the matches, there is also a chance to witness the match, at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow.

During the match, two visitors entered the field. One man, another woman. Although the security forces went behind them and brought them out. But then the debate has become what has happened.

The match started in the second half only. The game is running in 52 minutes. France in front of two goals Suddenly the rhythm A young woman and a young boy ran into the field.

There are a few security guards running behind them. The girls are moving towards Emba. The young runners of the Croatian defender Dezanne Lorenren. Two-and-a-

In this situation, the players of the two sides are surprised. The referee indicated that the game was stopped. The tension of the match stopped. At last, the young woman went to 'Asseti' Emba and got her hand together. Then he fell on the ground. The security guard was also running behind. They went on wearing the white shirt and the black trouser wearing the girl. Then pulled them out of the field.