Welcome players. For those of you that have enlisted to one of the factions. Good luck! You are now going to battle for glory, treasure and your life.

Enter the arena and try to survive. The action will be quick and brutal. Fatalities will be fast and frequent. You have a 50% chance of dying on this post alone.

There are two teams. The Wennidigos (Wenns for short) and the Lycans. Players in the game are transformed into their collective monster. Both creatures can be wounded and killed by silver. Lycans are faster but can't win in a one on one fight out in the open. Wenns are aggressive and primal and strong enough to rip things apart but lack the ability to coordinate due to their solidarity natures.
















Now unlike other games, this is a Scorum platform focused contest as in it focuses on you; the players. I will do a surviving Team X player spotlight where I talk about the user them as a person how I met them and the posts that I like of theirs. Stay alive and get a chance to get featured.

So the first player I will be giving focus to is @bethalea. The rest of the picks will be randomly picked from a pool of SURVIVING players that have not been selected yet that season.


While it is the wrong football (in my opinion) I enjoyed the article when it first came across my feed. It is important that should I have kids that I teach them how to handle winning and losing. Too often do I see players and adults coast off of early success and winning and lead to collapse. A la child actors who sadly become "tragic stories".

It is cool her name came up on my database as the first person being featured because she is the one who introduced me to this site and blockchain after we shared a few dirty jokes over the name. I can never thank her enough. She is a treasured part of every community she is in and love seeing her on here and playing in my games.

Wenns here is your first action.

"Drafted into the Battleball league you undergo the transformation to become the terror of the Candian wilderness. The Wendigo. You eat a mystery meat and instantly hear bones pop as you howl in pain. You grow several feet taller and are filled with constant hunger every sense is enhanced only worsening the hunger pangs. You stumble away from the ceremony craving meat. The scent of fresh elk beckons to you and you follow it to the locker room of your team. A pile of elk ribs is being devoured by your team. The captain eyes you and flares his nostrils. Your new body knows exactly what he is wanting. A fight."

Do you challenge him to eat or back down?

Respond to the comment below of your choice. One of these options will kill you from this season. Choose wisely.

Lycans here is your first action.

"You arrive in the underground chamber to see a cluster of hooded figures with glowing eyes. Fire flickering in the reflection. They have you roll up the sleeve of your arm. A hooded figure comes to you and quotes something in latin. Your eyes grow wide as you see his mouth and teeth grow. Before you can react he clamps down on your arm and leaves two rows of teeth mark. You are ushered into a room with cast iron door covered in claw marks. You begin to pass out feeling murderous rage as your final thoughts. You awake hours later to your clothes torn and chest heaving. Fresh claw marks encircle you as you realize they were yours. An old-timey microphone echoes as the feedback crackles. It tells you that the door will be opened and this is the first test. Run as fast as you can and don't get caught. You explode through the opening and see a pile of figures watching you. A small skull-shaped ball is rolled by your feet as you realize you aren't human anymore. The microphone echoes again. Left or right? To your left is men armed with spears tipped with silver. To your right is a hulking giant covered in fur matted with blood. He is chained to the floor but he has what seems like silver covered brass knuckles on his massive hands.

Do you charge past the spearmen on your left or try to go past the Wenn on your right?

Respond to the comment below that you choose to do. One of these options will kill you choose wisely.

The next post will come in either one week or after everyone has commented on their choice.

Good luck and score on!