As everyone knows, Russian athletes cannot compete under their own flag. The national anthem will not be played at the Olympic Games. In addition, the CAS decision states that officials of the Russian Federation of any rank cannot be present at any international competitions. This applies, among other things, to the country's President V.V. Putin. Despite the sanctions, the Russian president can still visit the Olympic Games in Beijing. How is this possible? Does Russian President Putin really care about international courts and their decisions? Is there a legal circumvention of sanctions?

The basis for the solution of the international CAS

The doping scandal reached its climax after the CAS decision. In particular, the court ruled that for 2 years Russian athletes are not allowed to perform under their own flag and anthem. Now they are fighting on sports grounds under the flag of the Russian Olympic Committee.

In addition, Russia has no right to host major international competitions. A separate paragraph states that WADA is also imposing sanctions against Russian officials. Deputies, ministers, governors, senators, the president and other government officials are not allowed to attend competitions and support their athletes in stadiums.

On what basis will Putin be able to attend the games in Beijing?

Despite the fact that Putin is prohibited from attending the Olympic competitions, the Russian president still plans to go to Beijing. How can he get around the sanctions? Why is Putin not afraid of the court verdict?

The CAS solution is non-appealable. It may be limited by other solutions. In particular, if the head of the host country of the Olympic Games personally invites the head of one or another power, then the CAS decision may not be carried out. It is not necessary for performance.

Xi Jinping made an official statement. He invited Russian President Putin to attend the Beijing Winter Olympics. The head of the Russian Federation accepted this proposal with pleasure. Lavrov noted that this will allow the leaders of the two countries to conduct face-to-face negotiations.

Thus, it turns out that Putin will attend the Olympic Games completely legally. By his decision, he does not violate international laws. Vladimir Vladimirovich has every right to attend sports competitions, as there is an official invitation from the head of China Xi Jinping. In this case, the CAS decision is not taken into account and is not perceived as real and binding under any circumstances. This will be a significant support for Russian athletes. We will follow the achievements of the Olympians and worry about our favorite athletes.