Other / aprilfoolsvideo

MOST CURSED GAMING VIDEO On The Web - MYSTORY Nr54 How To Get A Tera Trillion Views In On Day Disturbing videogame myths but in a video made by the Devil. Satanic creepy gaming video sent to earth by Satan himself. This Satan Clause video is basically a trash-post here. It might be April of this year. #CURSED, #INTERNETMYSTERY, #CREEPY, #New, #Ai, #rabbithole, #cursedhashtags, #demoniccult, #humorvideo, #parody, #satanicrituals, #aprilsfool, #cursedcontent, #ghostsighting, #amazinghorror PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - CURSEDVIDEO Hello World, Hello Viewers! This post and video is very cursed if you take some grains of Satan. If you are still reading after three lines of text I can recommend watching this video because it is epic. 1:00 - GHOSTSIGHTING Aside of this video being strange in the beginning and weird throughout the whole post it also contains some traces of humor. Might be too much for some people. 5:00 - RABBITHOLE This video might lead you down some rabbit-holes if you watch it at a quarter of the normal speed or maybe not. Don’t become rabid. Feel free to guess if the video is not only starting in a weird way but also if it is a good gaming video. 7:30 - DISTURBINGMYSTERY I basically added some modded content Snapmap maps from Doom in the video just because this would increase the curiosity factor of this video. I thought after trash-posting you might be actually interested in some serious insight what I was doing here. 10:00 - TRUTHREVELATION I just wanted to make something relatively weird that might amuse some people or at least make them questioning their life decisions or so. I thought that I should make a weird video in a way only a few people have done before because my content usually contains some humor so it made sense to just primary make this post as strange as possible. 15:00 - SECRETSOFTWARE The fact that modified content can be share with Doom2016’s Snapmap is really cool and has something of a magic internet mystery to it so I included that. Consuming modded content might not transfer cursed computer viruses. I also shared some of the best maps so far. Feel free to give me feedback and don’t get eaten by a Dinosaur. Don’t sell your soul to the Devil or some relative of him like Satan. I don’t want to have to go into hell and rip and tear until it is done. Or maybe I do. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
MOST CURSED GAMING VIDEO On The Web - MYSTORY Nr54 How To Get A Tera Trillion Views In On Day Disturbing videogame myths but in a video made by the Devil. Satanic creepy gaming video sent to earth by Satan himself. This Satan Clause video is basically a trash-post here. It might be April of this year. #CURSED, #INTERNETMYSTERY, #CREEPY, #New, #Ai, #rabbithole, #cursedhashtags, #demoniccult, #humorvideo, #parody, #satanicrituals, #aprilsfool, #cursedcontent, #ghostsighting, #amazinghorror PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - CURSEDVIDEO Hello World, Hello Viewers! This post and video is very cursed if you take some grains of Satan. If you are still reading after three lines of text I can recommend watching this video because it is epic. 1:00 - GHOSTSIGHTING Aside of this video being strange in the beginning and weird throughout the whole post it also contains some traces of humor. Might be too much for some people. 5:00 - RABBITHOLE This video might lead you down some rabbit-holes if you watch it at a quarter of the normal speed or maybe not. Don’t become rabid. Feel free to guess if the video is not only starting in a weird way but also if it is a good gaming video. 7:30 - DISTURBINGMYSTERY I basically added some modded content Snapmap maps from Doom in the video just because this would increase the curiosity factor of this video. I thought after trash-posting you might be actually interested in some serious insight what I was doing here. 10:00 - TRUTHREVELATION I just wanted to make something relatively weird that might amuse some people or at least make them questioning their life decisions or so. I thought that I should make a weird video in a way only a few people have done before because my content usually contains some humor so it made sense to just primary make this post as strange as possible. 15:00 - SECRETSOFTWARE The fact that modified content can be share with Doom2016’s Snapmap is really cool and has something of a magic internet mystery to it so I included that. Consuming modded content might not transfer cursed computer viruses. I also shared some of the best maps so far. Feel free to give me feedback and don’t get eaten by a Dinosaur. Don’t sell your soul to the Devil or some relative of him like Satan. I don’t want to have to go into hell and rip and tear until it is done. Or maybe I do. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
MOST CURSED GAMING VIDEO On The Web - MYSTORY Nr54 How To Get A Tera Trillion Views In On Day Disturbing videogame myths but in a video made by the Devil. Satanic creepy gaming video sent to earth by Satan himself. This Satan Clause video is basically a trash-post here. It might be April of this year. #CURSED, #INTERNETMYSTERY, #CREEPY, #New, #Ai, #rabbithole, #cursedhashtags, #demoniccult, #humorvideo, #parody, #satanicrituals, #aprilsfool, #cursedcontent, #ghostsighting, #amazinghorror PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - CURSEDVIDEO Hello World, Hello Viewers! This post and video is very cursed if you take some grains of Satan. If you are still reading after three lines of text I can recommend watching this video because it is epic. 1:00 - GHOSTSIGHTING Aside of this video being strange in the beginning and weird throughout the whole post it also contains some traces of humor. Might be too much for some people. 5:00 - RABBITHOLE This video might lead you down some rabbit-holes if you watch it at a quarter of the normal speed or maybe not. Don’t become rabid. Feel free to guess if the video is not only starting in a weird way but also if it is a good gaming video. 7:30 - DISTURBINGMYSTERY I basically added some modded content Snapmap maps from Doom in the video just because this would increase the curiosity factor of this video. I thought after trash-posting you might be actually interested in some serious insight what I was doing here. 10:00 - TRUTHREVELATION I just wanted to make something relatively weird that might amuse some people or at least make them questioning their life decisions or so. I thought that I should make a weird video in a way only a few people have done before because my content usually contains some humor so it made sense to just primary make this post as strange as possible. 15:00 - SECRETSOFTWARE The fact that modified content can be share with Doom2016’s Snapmap is really cool and has something of a magic internet mystery to it so I included that. Consuming modded content might not transfer cursed computer viruses. I also shared some of the best maps so far. Feel free to give me feedback and don’t get eaten by a Dinosaur. Don’t sell your soul to the Devil or some relative of him like Satan. I don’t want to have to go into hell and rip and tear until it is done. Or maybe I do. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
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