Other / callofduty

HUNDRED DIFFERENT Types Of Reloads Irl - MYSTORY Nr63 Different Types Of Weapon Reload Variations In Reallife Epic rare weapon reloads in reallife but hundred. Cool weapon reloading moves and tricks in reallife. Gun reloading animations in reallife video. Tactical reloads but also not. #RELOADSIRL, #RELOADANIMATIONS, #COMPILATION, #Art, #Game, #reallife, #reloadingtricks, #epicreloads, #gunreloadingtricks, #reloadtricks, #lotsofguns, #reloadingasmr, #weaponasmr, #gunasmrvideo, #entertainment PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - HUNDREDRELOADS Hello World, Hello Viewers! In this new video and blog post I used some cool video clips to assemble them in a satisfying way even for Asmr people. So enjoy this basically compilation that got way longer than planned. This video is not yet a compilation though. 01:00 - RELOADSIRL Reallife reloads in reallife are hopefull nice. Feel free to give me feedback and let me know if you also think that it might be cool to use that in a game. 05:00 - TACTICALRELOADS Some of these artistic reloads are basically tactical but also totally random. Let me also know if you want to see more. I also already made such videos but this one is slightly different and I hope it is nice, I also performed some short but hopefully odd scenes myself as a wannabe actor in between the main parts of the this latest video of my channels. 07:30 - WEAPONASMR Basically this post is related to my latest video that is more or less Asmr compatible if people accept my acting interruptions between the gun reloading clips. I hope everyone can be entertained. 10:00 - REALANIMATIONS These clips could be seen as motion capturing reloads if I use them in a videogame. I think putting them in a 2d game might be even funnier than using actual animations on a full-fledged modern triple-a game. 15:00 - MANYWEAPONS Many clips used some game and airsoft guns but also other tools and pieces. Feel free to see some more posts and follow me on all of my other sites, there are many of them. No guns or tactical equipment was hurt during making of this post and video. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
HUNDRED DIFFERENT Types Of Reloads Irl - MYSTORY Nr63 Different Types Of Weapon Reload Variations In Reallife Epic rare weapon reloads in reallife but hundred. Cool weapon reloading moves and tricks in reallife. Gun reloading animations in reallife video. Tactical reloads but also not. #RELOADSIRL, #RELOADANIMATIONS, #COMPILATION, #Art, #Game, #reallife, #reloadingtricks, #epicreloads, #gunreloadingtricks, #reloadtricks, #lotsofguns, #reloadingasmr, #weaponasmr, #gunasmrvideo, #entertainment PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - HUNDREDRELOADS Hello World, Hello Viewers! In this new video and blog post I used some cool video clips to assemble them in a satisfying way even for Asmr people. So enjoy this basically compilation that got way longer than planned. This video is not yet a compilation though. 01:00 - RELOADSIRL Reallife reloads in reallife are hopefull nice. Feel free to give me feedback and let me know if you also think that it might be cool to use that in a game. 05:00 - TACTICALRELOADS Some of these artistic reloads are basically tactical but also totally random. Let me also know if you want to see more. I also already made such videos but this one is slightly different and I hope it is nice, I also performed some short but hopefully odd scenes myself as a wannabe actor in between the main parts of the this latest video of my channels. 07:30 - WEAPONASMR Basically this post is related to my latest video that is more or less Asmr compatible if people accept my acting interruptions between the gun reloading clips. I hope everyone can be entertained. 10:00 - REALANIMATIONS These clips could be seen as motion capturing reloads if I use them in a videogame. I think putting them in a 2d game might be even funnier than using actual animations on a full-fledged modern triple-a game. 15:00 - MANYWEAPONS Many clips used some game and airsoft guns but also other tools and pieces. Feel free to see some more posts and follow me on all of my other sites, there are many of them. No guns or tactical equipment was hurt during making of this post and video. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
HUNDRED DIFFERENT Types Of Reloads Irl - MYSTORY Nr63 Different Types Of Weapon Reload Variations In Reallife Epic rare weapon reloads in reallife but hundred. Cool weapon reloading moves and tricks in reallife. Gun reloading animations in reallife video. Tactical reloads but also not. #RELOADSIRL, #RELOADANIMATIONS, #COMPILATION, #Art, #Game, #reallife, #reloadingtricks, #epicreloads, #gunreloadingtricks, #reloadtricks, #lotsofguns, #reloadingasmr, #weaponasmr, #gunasmrvideo, #entertainment PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - HUNDREDRELOADS Hello World, Hello Viewers! In this new video and blog post I used some cool video clips to assemble them in a satisfying way even for Asmr people. So enjoy this basically compilation that got way longer than planned. This video is not yet a compilation though. 01:00 - RELOADSIRL Reallife reloads in reallife are hopefull nice. Feel free to give me feedback and let me know if you also think that it might be cool to use that in a game. 05:00 - TACTICALRELOADS Some of these artistic reloads are basically tactical but also totally random. Let me also know if you want to see more. I also already made such videos but this one is slightly different and I hope it is nice, I also performed some short but hopefully odd scenes myself as a wannabe actor in between the main parts of the this latest video of my channels. 07:30 - WEAPONASMR Basically this post is related to my latest video that is more or less Asmr compatible if people accept my acting interruptions between the gun reloading clips. I hope everyone can be entertained. 10:00 - REALANIMATIONS These clips could be seen as motion capturing reloads if I use them in a videogame. I think putting them in a 2d game might be even funnier than using actual animations on a full-fledged modern triple-a game. 15:00 - MANYWEAPONS Many clips used some game and airsoft guns but also other tools and pieces. Feel free to see some more posts and follow me on all of my other sites, there are many of them. No guns or tactical equipment was hurt during making of this post and video. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
MODERN WARFARE RELOADS In Reallife But Pov Animations - MYSTORY Nr44
MODERN WARFARE RELOADS In Reallife But Pov Animations - MYSTORY Nr44 Modern Warfare Reloads In Reallife Call Of Duty reload animations in first person but reallife. Modern Warfare 2019 reloads in Pov perspective. Sleight of hand reloads but reallife and better. Cod Mw epic gun animations in reality. #MODERNWARFARE, #CODRELOADS, #RELOADSINREALLIFE, #Epic, #Art, #codmwreloads, #reloadanimations, #reallifereloads, #sleightofhandreload, #larp, #codmwwarzone, #animationsinreallife, #bestweaponreloads, #epicanimations, #atmodepth PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - MODERNWARFARERELOADS Hello World, Hello Viewers! As my video blogging content creation journey continues I came across some nice reloading animations in videogames which led me to the conclusion that I should do these animations in first person. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare from 2019 has some nice first person reloading animations that have some nice action movie vibes I guess. 1:00 - RELOADSINREALLIFE The creation of these arguably nice hand movements that are known as amazing fast reloads where very nice to make. This is almost visual art I guess. 5:00 - SLEIGHTOFHAND I realised that I sometimes go so fast reloads that this is basically sleight of hand stuff. Cod Mw 2019 came with lots of guns and I made with lots of clips. 10:00 - FIRSTPERSONRELOADS These Pov first person reloads where made with the help of a magic tripod which is basically a tripod. I hope you can give me feedback and likes and subscriptions and that you follow me on all my platforms to see more of that potentially nice content. 15:00 - POVANIMATIONS Pov first person game animations are so nice that I decided to even write this sentence announcing that I will make more for sure. Point of view is what Pov seems to mean, good that I figured this out while writing these lines. 20:00 - CODMWASMR Point of view are very satisfying words to say I guess. I mostly liked to fake these shaky intense Cod mw animations because they give me some challenge. I have very stable hands usually so I can’t shake them. No guns or weapons where harmed during production of this content. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
MODERN WARFARE RELOADS In Reallife But Pov Animations - MYSTORY Nr44
MODERN WARFARE RELOADS In Reallife But Pov Animations - MYSTORY Nr44 Modern Warfare Reloads In Reallife Call Of Duty reload animations in first person but reallife. Modern Warfare 2019 reloads in Pov perspective. Sleight of hand reloads but reallife and better. Cod Mw epic gun animations in reality. #MODERNWARFARE, #CODRELOADS, #RELOADSINREALLIFE, #Epic, #Art, #codmwreloads, #reloadanimations, #reallifereloads, #sleightofhandreload, #larp, #codmwwarzone, #animationsinreallife, #bestweaponreloads, #epicanimations, #atmodepth PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - MODERNWARFARERELOADS Hello World, Hello Viewers! As my video blogging content creation journey continues I came across some nice reloading animations in videogames which led me to the conclusion that I should do these animations in first person. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare from 2019 has some nice first person reloading animations that have some nice action movie vibes I guess. 1:00 - RELOADSINREALLIFE The creation of these arguably nice hand movements that are known as amazing fast reloads where very nice to make. This is almost visual art I guess. 5:00 - SLEIGHTOFHAND I realised that I sometimes go so fast reloads that this is basically sleight of hand stuff. Cod Mw 2019 came with lots of guns and I made with lots of clips. 10:00 - FIRSTPERSONRELOADS These Pov first person reloads where made with the help of a magic tripod which is basically a tripod. I hope you can give me feedback and likes and subscriptions and that you follow me on all my platforms to see more of that potentially nice content. 15:00 - POVANIMATIONS Pov first person game animations are so nice that I decided to even write this sentence announcing that I will make more for sure. Point of view is what Pov seems to mean, good that I figured this out while writing these lines. 20:00 - CODMWASMR Point of view are very satisfying words to say I guess. I mostly liked to fake these shaky intense Cod mw animations because they give me some challenge. I have very stable hands usually so I can’t shake them. No guns or weapons where harmed during production of this content. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
MODERN WARFARE RELOADS In Reallife But Pov Animations - MYSTORY Nr44
MODERN WARFARE RELOADS In Reallife But Pov Animations - MYSTORY Nr44 Modern Warfare Reloads In Reallife Call Of Duty reload animations in first person but reallife. Modern Warfare 2019 reloads in Pov perspective. Sleight of hand reloads but reallife and better. Cod Mw epic gun animations in reality. #MODERNWARFARE, #CODRELOADS, #RELOADSINREALLIFE, #Epic, #Art, #codmwreloads, #reloadanimations, #reallifereloads, #sleightofhandreload, #larp, #codmwwarzone, #animationsinreallife, #bestweaponreloads, #epicanimations, #atmodepth PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - MODERNWARFARERELOADS Hello World, Hello Viewers! As my video blogging content creation journey continues I came across some nice reloading animations in videogames which led me to the conclusion that I should do these animations in first person. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare from 2019 has some nice first person reloading animations that have some nice action movie vibes I guess. 1:00 - RELOADSINREALLIFE The creation of these arguably nice hand movements that are known as amazing fast reloads where very nice to make. This is almost visual art I guess. 5:00 - SLEIGHTOFHAND I realised that I sometimes go so fast reloads that this is basically sleight of hand stuff. Cod Mw 2019 came with lots of guns and I made with lots of clips. 10:00 - FIRSTPERSONRELOADS These Pov first person reloads where made with the help of a magic tripod which is basically a tripod. I hope you can give me feedback and likes and subscriptions and that you follow me on all my platforms to see more of that potentially nice content. 15:00 - POVANIMATIONS Pov first person game animations are so nice that I decided to even write this sentence announcing that I will make more for sure. Point of view is what Pov seems to mean, good that I figured this out while writing these lines. 20:00 - CODMWASMR Point of view are very satisfying words to say I guess. I mostly liked to fake these shaky intense Cod mw animations because they give me some challenge. I have very stable hands usually so I can’t shake them. No guns or weapons where harmed during production of this content. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
NEW WARZONE BLACKOPS Coldwar Season One Royale Video - MYSTORY Nr39
NEW WARZONE BLACKOPS Coldwar Season One Royale Video - MYSTORY Nr39 Call Of Duty Coldwar Battle Rebirth gameplay Call Of Duty BlackOps Coldwar online season one warzone. New Warzone map. Rebirth Island gameplay. Cod Coldwar Battle Royale Adler and gameplay video. #WARZONE, #COLDWARSEASONONE, #CALLOFDUTY #Online, #NewVideo, #battleroyale, #newmap, #rebirthisland, #adler, #markarov, #wepaons, #outdoor, #cod, #blackops, #multiplayer PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - WARZONE Hello World, Hello Viewers! Finally the day has come for Call Of Duty Warzone to get a new map. Warzone got a new mode and the map Rebirth Island for us to Fight epic battles. 1:00 - BLACKOPS There are now some of the weapons that I always wanted to try since I heard that they exist in Black Ops Coldwar. I think that I like the differences between the first set of weapons and the new old-school ones. 5:00 - CALLOFDUTY It is fascinating that Call Of Duty has managed to become a free Battle Royale game with Non-Battle Royale modes too. I thought that this make sense to mention. 10:00 - SEASONONE It is cool to be here to make some weird videos about the start of a new season in a free game that a bunch of people can play at the same time, called a multiplayer game. Feel free to drop many comment and follow me so I can know which content you like. 15:00 - REBIRTHISLAND The new small map is perfect for me failing many times. Rebirth Island is a map on and island as the name suggests and if you fall in the water you get screwed. 20:00 - ADLER I saw of course some scenes of Adler from Call Of Duty Blackops Coldwar because apparently Warzone is getting bigger and bigger over time. This can be considered as the end or the last part of this post so feel free to see the connection with the next post and keep in mind that I ask you to do what I wrote in this respective section of the previous post. My wish-list of things you can do to help me is quiet long. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
NEW WARZONE BLACKOPS Coldwar Season One Royale Video - MYSTORY Nr39
NEW WARZONE BLACKOPS Coldwar Season One Royale Video - MYSTORY Nr39 Call Of Duty Coldwar Battle Rebirth gameplay Call Of Duty BlackOps Coldwar online season one warzone. New Warzone map. Rebirth Island gameplay. Cod Coldwar Battle Royale Adler and gameplay video. #WARZONE, #COLDWARSEASONONE, #CALLOFDUTY #Online, #NewVideo, #battleroyale, #newmap, #rebirthisland, #adler, #markarov, #wepaons, #outdoor, #cod, #blackops, #multiplayer PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - WARZONE Hello World, Hello Viewers! Finally the day has come for Call Of Duty Warzone to get a new map. Warzone got a new mode and the map Rebirth Island for us to Fight epic battles. 1:00 - BLACKOPS There are now some of the weapons that I always wanted to try since I heard that they exist in Black Ops Coldwar. I think that I like the differences between the first set of weapons and the new old-school ones. 5:00 - CALLOFDUTY It is fascinating that Call Of Duty has managed to become a free Battle Royale game with Non-Battle Royale modes too. I thought that this make sense to mention. 10:00 - SEASONONE It is cool to be here to make some weird videos about the start of a new season in a free game that a bunch of people can play at the same time, called a multiplayer game. Feel free to drop many comment and follow me so I can know which content you like. 15:00 - REBIRTHISLAND The new small map is perfect for me failing many times. Rebirth Island is a map on and island as the name suggests and if you fall in the water you get screwed. 20:00 - ADLER I saw of course some scenes of Adler from Call Of Duty Blackops Coldwar because apparently Warzone is getting bigger and bigger over time. This can be considered as the end or the last part of this post so feel free to see the connection with the next post and keep in mind that I ask you to do what I wrote in this respective section of the previous post. My wish-list of things you can do to help me is quiet long. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
NEW WARZONE BLACKOPS Coldwar Season One Royale Video - MYSTORY Nr39
NEW WARZONE BLACKOPS Coldwar Season One Royale Video - MYSTORY Nr39 Call Of Duty Coldwar Battle Rebirth gameplay Call Of Duty BlackOps Coldwar online season one warzone. New Warzone map. Rebirth Island gameplay. Cod Coldwar Battle Royale Adler and gameplay video. #WARZONE, #COLDWARSEASONONE, #CALLOFDUTY #Online, #NewVideo, #battleroyale, #newmap, #rebirthisland, #adler, #markarov, #wepaons, #outdoor, #cod, #blackops, #multiplayer PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - WARZONE Hello World, Hello Viewers! Finally the day has come for Call Of Duty Warzone to get a new map. Warzone got a new mode and the map Rebirth Island for us to Fight epic battles. 1:00 - BLACKOPS There are now some of the weapons that I always wanted to try since I heard that they exist in Black Ops Coldwar. I think that I like the differences between the first set of weapons and the new old-school ones. 5:00 - CALLOFDUTY It is fascinating that Call Of Duty has managed to become a free Battle Royale game with Non-Battle Royale modes too. I thought that this make sense to mention. 10:00 - SEASONONE It is cool to be here to make some weird videos about the start of a new season in a free game that a bunch of people can play at the same time, called a multiplayer game. Feel free to drop many comment and follow me so I can know which content you like. 15:00 - REBIRTHISLAND The new small map is perfect for me failing many times. Rebirth Island is a map on and island as the name suggests and if you fall in the water you get screwed. 20:00 - ADLER I saw of course some scenes of Adler from Call Of Duty Blackops Coldwar because apparently Warzone is getting bigger and bigger over time. This can be considered as the end or the last part of this post so feel free to see the connection with the next post and keep in mind that I ask you to do what I wrote in this respective section of the previous post. My wish-list of things you can do to help me is quiet long. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
EPIC FUTURAMA Zombies Multi Pack A Punch Fun Video - MYSTORY Nr37
EPIC FUTURAMA Zombies Multi Pack A Punch Fun Video - MYSTORY Nr37 Call Of Duty Black Ops Custom Zombies Map But Futurama Blops3 custom Futurama Zombies is epic. Epic Zombies Cartoon in Black Ops and new. Epic comebacks on custom map in Zombies 2020 gameplay. New amazing Futurama Zombies Pack A Punch. #FUTURAMA, #BlackOpsNew, #CustomZombies, #CallOfDuty, #NewVideo, #fryzombies, #bestcustomzombies, #leela, #funnymontage, #customenemies, #zombiefails, #freemap, #packapunch, #newtuber, #fun PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - FUTURAMA Hello World, Hello Viewers! As I make new posts and videos I am still staying with some gaming content for now at least. This might change soon so this is a little hint or spoiler. For this post, video or text blog post I have something really cool from the perspective of a gamer. Someone was super nice and creative and made an epic Futurama custom zombies Black Ops map. 2:30 - ZOMBIES The cool thing about the custom Zombies in Call Of Duty is in my view the fact that some crazy epic map creators like to make some cartoon art-style focused maps. The cartoon maps based of Futurama are perfect for the epic atmosphere in some less dark and gritty zombie maps. I might also have seen Fry and Leela or even the giant Lobster. 5:00 - BLACKOPS In this epic Black Ops game it is possible to have as many custom maps as you want if you don’t run out of drive-space. In the video and blog post here I am focusing on two Futurama maps at once. I also tried to edit some funny things into it so it is somewhat entertaining aside of me nearly getting eaten by rotten walking dead Zombies. 7:30 - GAMINGVIDEO In this epic Futurama custom Zombies maps video I was able to play two maps and in the end also a little Simpsons map as a bonus. Although the Simpsons map is actually massive and also features some epic art-style that gets me some comedic relief after playing many darker themed maps. 10:00 - CALLOFDUTY Call Of Duty evolved to these games and the ambitious creators of custom maps are very motivated to keep the community entertained. I would love to see even more custom Zombies maps featuring the Futurama setting and I am sure that I will. 15:00 - PACKAPUNCH I also managed to get some multiple epic Pack A Punch activations on my main weaponry on the first map showcased. This map is amazing when you figure out that you have to spend the money that you make on the Pack A Punch machine that is accessible through the teleporter. With these lines I also tend to beg for feedback. As always I mind reminding people a hundred times in giving my content likes as I do in my videos all too often! Shares and many Subscriptions are also very much needed for an improving channel or blog! Basically I am asking for shares and some free real estate. I also need many comments even if I am risking to make the same jokes over and over again I have cookies! As always I encourage everyone to read my other posts or watch my videos on infinite loops so I can acquire infinite watch-time and views or simply not. Thank you to everyone who reads this, may you have a great day and may you not get eaten by a randomly spawned Alligator-Snail-Hybrid-Creature. I have heard these things can happen allegedly. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
EPIC FUTURAMA Zombies Multi Pack A Punch Fun Video - MYSTORY Nr37
EPIC FUTURAMA Zombies Multi Pack A Punch Fun Video - MYSTORY Nr37 Call Of Duty Black Ops Custom Zombies Map But Futurama Blops3 custom Futurama Zombies is epic. Epic Zombies Cartoon in Black Ops and new. Epic comebacks on custom map in Zombies 2020 gameplay. New amazing Futurama Zombies Pack A Punch. #FUTURAMA, #BlackOpsNew, #CustomZombies, #CallOfDuty, #NewVideo, #fryzombies, #bestcustomzombies, #leela, #funnymontage, #customenemies, #zombiefails, #freemap, #packapunch, #newtuber, #fun PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - FUTURAMA Hello World, Hello Viewers! As I make new posts and videos I am still staying with some gaming content for now at least. This might change soon so this is a little hint or spoiler. For this post, video or text blog post I have something really cool from the perspective of a gamer. Someone was super nice and creative and made an epic Futurama custom zombies Black Ops map. 2:30 - ZOMBIES The cool thing about the custom Zombies in Call Of Duty is in my view the fact that some crazy epic map creators like to make some cartoon art-style focused maps. The cartoon maps based of Futurama are perfect for the epic atmosphere in some less dark and gritty zombie maps. I might also have seen Fry and Leela or even the giant Lobster. 5:00 - BLACKOPS In this epic Black Ops game it is possible to have as many custom maps as you want if you don’t run out of drive-space. In the video and blog post here I am focusing on two Futurama maps at once. I also tried to edit some funny things into it so it is somewhat entertaining aside of me nearly getting eaten by rotten walking dead Zombies. 7:30 - GAMINGVIDEO In this epic Futurama custom Zombies maps video I was able to play two maps and in the end also a little Simpsons map as a bonus. Although the Simpsons map is actually massive and also features some epic art-style that gets me some comedic relief after playing many darker themed maps. 10:00 - CALLOFDUTY Call Of Duty evolved to these games and the ambitious creators of custom maps are very motivated to keep the community entertained. I would love to see even more custom Zombies maps featuring the Futurama setting and I am sure that I will. 15:00 - PACKAPUNCH I also managed to get some multiple epic Pack A Punch activations on my main weaponry on the first map showcased. This map is amazing when you figure out that you have to spend the money that you make on the Pack A Punch machine that is accessible through the teleporter. With these lines I also tend to beg for feedback. As always I mind reminding people a hundred times in giving my content likes as I do in my videos all too often! Shares and many Subscriptions are also very much needed for an improving channel or blog! Basically I am asking for shares and some free real estate. I also need many comments even if I am risking to make the same jokes over and over again I have cookies! As always I encourage everyone to read my other posts or watch my videos on infinite loops so I can acquire infinite watch-time and views or simply not. Thank you to everyone who reads this, may you have a great day and may you not get eaten by a randomly spawned Alligator-Snail-Hybrid-Creature. I have heard these things can happen allegedly. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
EPIC FUTURAMA Zombies Multi Pack A Punch Fun Video - MYSTORY Nr37
EPIC FUTURAMA Zombies Multi Pack A Punch Fun Video - MYSTORY Nr37 Call Of Duty Black Ops Custom Zombies Map But Futurama Blops3 custom Futurama Zombies is epic. Epic Zombies Cartoon in Black Ops and new. Epic comebacks on custom map in Zombies 2020 gameplay. New amazing Futurama Zombies Pack A Punch. #FUTURAMA, #BlackOpsNew, #CustomZombies, #CallOfDuty, #NewVideo, #fryzombies, #bestcustomzombies, #leela, #funnymontage, #customenemies, #zombiefails, #freemap, #packapunch, #newtuber, #fun PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - FUTURAMA Hello World, Hello Viewers! As I make new posts and videos I am still staying with some gaming content for now at least. This might change soon so this is a little hint or spoiler. For this post, video or text blog post I have something really cool from the perspective of a gamer. Someone was super nice and creative and made an epic Futurama custom zombies Black Ops map. 2:30 - ZOMBIES The cool thing about the custom Zombies in Call Of Duty is in my view the fact that some crazy epic map creators like to make some cartoon art-style focused maps. The cartoon maps based of Futurama are perfect for the epic atmosphere in some less dark and gritty zombie maps. I might also have seen Fry and Leela or even the giant Lobster. 5:00 - BLACKOPS In this epic Black Ops game it is possible to have as many custom maps as you want if you don’t run out of drive-space. In the video and blog post here I am focusing on two Futurama maps at once. I also tried to edit some funny things into it so it is somewhat entertaining aside of me nearly getting eaten by rotten walking dead Zombies. 7:30 - GAMINGVIDEO In this epic Futurama custom Zombies maps video I was able to play two maps and in the end also a little Simpsons map as a bonus. Although the Simpsons map is actually massive and also features some epic art-style that gets me some comedic relief after playing many darker themed maps. 10:00 - CALLOFDUTY Call Of Duty evolved to these games and the ambitious creators of custom maps are very motivated to keep the community entertained. I would love to see even more custom Zombies maps featuring the Futurama setting and I am sure that I will. 15:00 - PACKAPUNCH I also managed to get some multiple epic Pack A Punch activations on my main weaponry on the first map showcased. This map is amazing when you figure out that you have to spend the money that you make on the Pack A Punch machine that is accessible through the teleporter. With these lines I also tend to beg for feedback. As always I mind reminding people a hundred times in giving my content likes as I do in my videos all too often! Shares and many Subscriptions are also very much needed for an improving channel or blog! Basically I am asking for shares and some free real estate. I also need many comments even if I am risking to make the same jokes over and over again I have cookies! As always I encourage everyone to read my other posts or watch my videos on infinite loops so I can acquire infinite watch-time and views or simply not. Thank you to everyone who reads this, may you have a great day and may you not get eaten by a randomly spawned Alligator-Snail-Hybrid-Creature. I have heard these things can happen allegedly. Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
BLACKOPS Zombies But I Do The Voice Lines - MYSTORY Nr36
BLACKOPS Zombies But I Do The Voice Lines - MYSTORY Nr36 Call Of Duty Black Ops In 2020 With Custom Voice Lines Black Ops custom Zombies with my own spoken voice lines in real time. Zombie mode with voice acting is a great training. I made custom voice for the Black Ops game. Gaming but with custom voice acting. #CALLOFDUTY, #BlackOps, #VoiceTrolling, #FailsVideo, #New, #zombies, #voiceacting, #epic, #funnymontage, #failsvideo, #zombiefails, #freemaps, #victiscrew, #newtuber, #fun PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - ASMRTRIGGERS Hello World, Hello Viewers! In video games like Call of Duty Black Ops and others there are many characters to choose from when you play. With many characters there comes the question for characteristics in the typical gamedev mind. Creative game developers once came up with the idea of letting these characters say something while playing to give them some kind of “soul”. 2:30 - BLOGPOST In this new post I decided to put my hand on doing voice lines for characters in games. As you can imagine I am not a voice actor so the result was kind of inconsistent like all of my videos are. 5:00 - AUDIONOISE For comedic purposes I used the gain to give me the ability to oversteer my microphone with no effort. I am still trying to optimize my setup so I hope you can enjoy the new audio of my video. 7:30 - GAMINGVIDEO Like most of my first videos this is a gaming video and also another type of video at once. Like and subscribe because I need feedback. Feel free to enjoy my content if you can. I for sure enjoyed making this post a lot. 10:00 - INCOHERENTSTUFF I will make more of these videos if the post or the video gets some views because I love to train my talking and commenting voice acting skills. I must admit that I was fairly well entertained by the plethora of rubbish I came up with. 15:00 - FUNNYMONTAGE With these lines I can only thank you for reading and I must again beg for feedback. I am also planning on doing many other types of videos and blog posts in the future too. Feel free to be tuned for my next posts. I might also ask you for likes because I need Likes! But I won’t ask you for Shares! Basically I am asking for shares. I also love to get the comment sections below my posts full of multiple comments so they don’t look like an abandoned nuke test facility! On some well-known platforms there are options for subscriptions with notifications! I also am in demand for likes on my other videos and lots of watchtime! This is basically a part of this post where I explain how to help me reaching my goals on this amazing journey of creating my channels and blogs. Part of this is that it would also help to share playlist links and to rewatch my stuff in the future again if you like it! And if you like binge watching let me know what your favourite content is and you can also put my videos in your own playlists! If you want to add me to your recommended sections on your pages and bookmark my pages I would also freak out! I love many likes and some feedback as I mentioned before to modify and enhance my content. I hope you can still read with your eyes after you have gone through my content of questionable quality! I will become more funny in the future and also probably a bit more weird! Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
BLACKOPS Zombies But I Do The Voice Lines - MYSTORY Nr36
BLACKOPS Zombies But I Do The Voice Lines - MYSTORY Nr36 Call Of Duty Black Ops In 2020 With Custom Voice Lines Black Ops custom Zombies with my own spoken voice lines in real time. Zombie mode with voice acting is a great training. I made custom voice for the Black Ops game. Gaming but with custom voice acting. #CALLOFDUTY, #BlackOps, #VoiceTrolling, #FailsVideo, #New, #zombies, #voiceacting, #epic, #funnymontage, #failsvideo, #zombiefails, #freemaps, #victiscrew, #newtuber, #fun PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - ASMRTRIGGERS Hello World, Hello Viewers! In video games like Call of Duty Black Ops and others there are many characters to choose from when you play. With many characters there comes the question for characteristics in the typical gamedev mind. Creative game developers once came up with the idea of letting these characters say something while playing to give them some kind of “soul”. 2:30 - BLOGPOST In this new post I decided to put my hand on doing voice lines for characters in games. As you can imagine I am not a voice actor so the result was kind of inconsistent like all of my videos are. 5:00 - AUDIONOISE For comedic purposes I used the gain to give me the ability to oversteer my microphone with no effort. I am still trying to optimize my setup so I hope you can enjoy the new audio of my video. 7:30 - GAMINGVIDEO Like most of my first videos this is a gaming video and also another type of video at once. Like and subscribe because I need feedback. Feel free to enjoy my content if you can. I for sure enjoyed making this post a lot. 10:00 - INCOHERENTSTUFF I will make more of these videos if the post or the video gets some views because I love to train my talking and commenting voice acting skills. I must admit that I was fairly well entertained by the plethora of rubbish I came up with. 15:00 - FUNNYMONTAGE With these lines I can only thank you for reading and I must again beg for feedback. I am also planning on doing many other types of videos and blog posts in the future too. Feel free to be tuned for my next posts. I might also ask you for likes because I need Likes! But I won’t ask you for Shares! Basically I am asking for shares. I also love to get the comment sections below my posts full of multiple comments so they don’t look like an abandoned nuke test facility! On some well-known platforms there are options for subscriptions with notifications! I also am in demand for likes on my other videos and lots of watchtime! This is basically a part of this post where I explain how to help me reaching my goals on this amazing journey of creating my channels and blogs. Part of this is that it would also help to share playlist links and to rewatch my stuff in the future again if you like it! And if you like binge watching let me know what your favourite content is and you can also put my videos in your own playlists! If you want to add me to your recommended sections on your pages and bookmark my pages I would also freak out! I love many likes and some feedback as I mentioned before to modify and enhance my content. I hope you can still read with your eyes after you have gone through my content of questionable quality! I will become more funny in the future and also probably a bit more weird! Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
BLACKOPS Zombies But I Do The Voice Lines - MYSTORY Nr36
BLACKOPS Zombies But I Do The Voice Lines - MYSTORY Nr36 Call Of Duty Black Ops In 2020 With Custom Voice Lines Black Ops custom Zombies with my own spoken voice lines in real time. Zombie mode with voice acting is a great training. I made custom voice for the Black Ops game. Gaming but with custom voice acting. #CALLOFDUTY, #BlackOps, #VoiceTrolling, #FailsVideo, #New, #zombies, #voiceacting, #epic, #funnymontage, #failsvideo, #zombiefails, #freemaps, #victiscrew, #newtuber, #fun PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIv8bCqbrhg&list=PLmhDHYU2FnYy3rOGSm6CYt3y8firviVWC&index=2&t=18m39s https://www.metacafe.com/playlist/17302-12081376 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uc5ek?playlist=x6rmay _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - ASMRTRIGGERS Hello World, Hello Viewers! In video games like Call of Duty Black Ops and others there are many characters to choose from when you play. With many characters there comes the question for characteristics in the typical gamedev mind. Creative game developers once came up with the idea of letting these characters say something while playing to give them some kind of “soul”. 2:30 - BLOGPOST In this new post I decided to put my hand on doing voice lines for characters in games. As you can imagine I am not a voice actor so the result was kind of inconsistent like all of my videos are. 5:00 - AUDIONOISE For comedic purposes I used the gain to give me the ability to oversteer my microphone with no effort. I am still trying to optimize my setup so I hope you can enjoy the new audio of my video. 7:30 - GAMINGVIDEO Like most of my first videos this is a gaming video and also another type of video at once. Like and subscribe because I need feedback. Feel free to enjoy my content if you can. I for sure enjoyed making this post a lot. 10:00 - INCOHERENTSTUFF I will make more of these videos if the post or the video gets some views because I love to train my talking and commenting voice acting skills. I must admit that I was fairly well entertained by the plethora of rubbish I came up with. 15:00 - FUNNYMONTAGE With these lines I can only thank you for reading and I must again beg for feedback. I am also planning on doing many other types of videos and blog posts in the future too. Feel free to be tuned for my next posts. I might also ask you for likes because I need Likes! But I won’t ask you for Shares! Basically I am asking for shares. I also love to get the comment sections below my posts full of multiple comments so they don’t look like an abandoned nuke test facility! On some well-known platforms there are options for subscriptions with notifications! I also am in demand for likes on my other videos and lots of watchtime! This is basically a part of this post where I explain how to help me reaching my goals on this amazing journey of creating my channels and blogs. Part of this is that it would also help to share playlist links and to rewatch my stuff in the future again if you like it! And if you like binge watching let me know what your favourite content is and you can also put my videos in your own playlists! If you want to add me to your recommended sections on your pages and bookmark my pages I would also freak out! I love many likes and some feedback as I mentioned before to modify and enhance my content. I hope you can still read with your eyes after you have gone through my content of questionable quality! I will become more funny in the future and also probably a bit more weird! Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/follow.html All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups https://atmodepth.wordpress.com https://atmodepth.wixsite.com/atmodepth
No Kill Warzone Stimulus Gameplay - MYSTORY Nr17
No Kill Warzone Stimulus Gameplay - MYSTORY Nr17 Modern Warfare Battle Royale Stimulus Mode Hello World, Hello Viewers! The free Call of Duty online multiplayer Warzone game is fun in the new mode. I basically did not get many frags but in the end it got some. https://bit.ly/MYSTORY-PLAYLIST https://bit.ly/MYSTORY-LABEL #warzone, #stimulus, #battleroyale #callofduty, #modernwarfare, #gameplay, #clips #video, #new _______________ Modern Warfare Warzone _______________ Stimulus Starts After Ten Minutes 0:00 - TEAMS Hello World! As I updated the Warzone game I saw there was a new mode called Stimulus. I started with a little warmup with teams and proceeded to try the Stimulus mode where players can respawn if they have enough money in their virtual wallet. 1:00 - BATTLEROYALE This gameplay is full of Battle Royale and fails and me being very weird and if you like it I would be happy if you could give me some likes and subs. 5:00 - NEWVIDEO The new video stared with some normal gameplay and continued with more random clips. I love to make videos and I love to cut and edit them but this time I did not edit stuff and I need your feedback on this. So let me know if you like the hardcore edited videos or if you prefer this style. 10:00 - STIMULUS After ten minutes I stared the epic Stimulus mode and it was very interesting. I like the new mode and it is a different attempt to the Battle Royale style games than in the games I tried before. My experience in Battle Royale games is of course limited. 15:00 - WARZONE Call Of Duty Warzone is a good game for randomness like I like it. Feel free to be confused or not. Modern Warfare Warzone will be expanded in the future as far as I know and I am curious to make more videos. 20:00 - CALLOFDUTY With this video and blog post I also wanted to thank everyone for following me. I am consistently gaining followers on most of the platforms I use and this is epic! Thank you humans! Have a great watch! Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section This is a compact list of my standard default text and things! All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Signature: ATMODEPTH gaming, fun, creative http://bit.ly/FOLLOW-SOCIAL https://bit.ly/CHANNEL-PLAYLIST https://bit.ly/BLOG-LABEL
No Kill Warzone Stimulus Gameplay - MYSTORY Nr17
No Kill Warzone Stimulus Gameplay - MYSTORY Nr17 Modern Warfare Battle Royale Stimulus Mode Hello World, Hello Viewers! The free Call of Duty online multiplayer Warzone game is fun in the new mode. I basically did not get many frags but in the end it got some. https://bit.ly/MYSTORY-PLAYLIST https://bit.ly/MYSTORY-LABEL #warzone, #stimulus, #battleroyale #callofduty, #modernwarfare, #gameplay, #clips #video, #new _______________ Modern Warfare Warzone _______________ Stimulus Starts After Ten Minutes 0:00 - TEAMS Hello World! As I updated the Warzone game I saw there was a new mode called Stimulus. I started with a little warmup with teams and proceeded to try the Stimulus mode where players can respawn if they have enough money in their virtual wallet. 1:00 - BATTLEROYALE This gameplay is full of Battle Royale and fails and me being very weird and if you like it I would be happy if you could give me some likes and subs. 5:00 - NEWVIDEO The new video stared with some normal gameplay and continued with more random clips. I love to make videos and I love to cut and edit them but this time I did not edit stuff and I need your feedback on this. So let me know if you like the hardcore edited videos or if you prefer this style. 10:00 - STIMULUS After ten minutes I stared the epic Stimulus mode and it was very interesting. I like the new mode and it is a different attempt to the Battle Royale style games than in the games I tried before. My experience in Battle Royale games is of course limited. 15:00 - WARZONE Call Of Duty Warzone is a good game for randomness like I like it. Feel free to be confused or not. Modern Warfare Warzone will be expanded in the future as far as I know and I am curious to make more videos. 20:00 - CALLOFDUTY With this video and blog post I also wanted to thank everyone for following me. I am consistently gaining followers on most of the platforms I use and this is epic! Thank you humans! Have a great watch! Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section This is a compact list of my standard default text and things! All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Signature: ATMODEPTH gaming, fun, creative http://bit.ly/FOLLOW-SOCIAL https://bit.ly/CHANNEL-PLAYLIST https://bit.ly/BLOG-LABEL
No Kill Warzone Stimulus Gameplay - MYSTORY Nr17
No Kill Warzone Stimulus Gameplay - MYSTORY Nr17 Modern Warfare Battle Royale Stimulus Mode Hello World, Hello Viewers! The free Call of Duty online multiplayer Warzone game is fun in the new mode. I basically did not get many frags but in the end it got some. https://bit.ly/MYSTORY-PLAYLIST https://bit.ly/MYSTORY-LABEL #warzone, #stimulus, #battleroyale #callofduty, #modernwarfare, #gameplay, #clips #video, #new _______________ Modern Warfare Warzone _______________ Stimulus Starts After Ten Minutes 0:00 - TEAMS Hello World! As I updated the Warzone game I saw there was a new mode called Stimulus. I started with a little warmup with teams and proceeded to try the Stimulus mode where players can respawn if they have enough money in their virtual wallet. 1:00 - BATTLEROYALE This gameplay is full of Battle Royale and fails and me being very weird and if you like it I would be happy if you could give me some likes and subs. 5:00 - NEWVIDEO The new video stared with some normal gameplay and continued with more random clips. I love to make videos and I love to cut and edit them but this time I did not edit stuff and I need your feedback on this. So let me know if you like the hardcore edited videos or if you prefer this style. 10:00 - STIMULUS After ten minutes I stared the epic Stimulus mode and it was very interesting. I like the new mode and it is a different attempt to the Battle Royale style games than in the games I tried before. My experience in Battle Royale games is of course limited. 15:00 - WARZONE Call Of Duty Warzone is a good game for randomness like I like it. Feel free to be confused or not. Modern Warfare Warzone will be expanded in the future as far as I know and I am curious to make more videos. 20:00 - CALLOFDUTY With this video and blog post I also wanted to thank everyone for following me. I am consistently gaining followers on most of the platforms I use and this is epic! Thank you humans! Have a great watch! Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section This is a compact list of my standard default text and things! All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/products.html All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) https://atmodepth.blogspot.com/p/merch.html Signature: ATMODEPTH gaming, fun, creative http://bit.ly/FOLLOW-SOCIAL https://bit.ly/CHANNEL-PLAYLIST https://bit.ly/BLOG-LABEL