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I BUILT THE HIGHEST TOWER In Cryengine - MYSTORY Nr45 The Highest Tower In A Game Editor How to build the highest tower in a game engine. Highest possible building in Cyengine. Highest building simulator video. Basically a virtual Burj Khalifa. #HIGHESTBUILDING, #OUTOFBOUNDARIES, #CRYENGINE, #Epic, #Art, #highesttower, #newcryengine, #mapeditor, #gamedev, #record, #gamingrecord, #stratospheretower, #spaceelevator, #spacejump, #atmodepth PLAYLIST: _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - RECORDBUILDING Hello World, Hello Viewers! Some of the viewers or reads, basically consumers of this content, might know that I also like to create and build things, not only in games but also in real-life. This post is not about that. 5:00 - MAPEDITOR Just kidding here! I decided to install CryengineV, version 5.1 with the amazing GameSDK, version 5.0 the first time on my new powerful rig. I am very crazy about making levels and structures and stuff in map editors and I love it when I can remix already amazing game assets intro other higher complex constructions. 10:00 - SPEEDART I am relatively fast at editing maps and levels in virtual worlds because I feel like a higher being when I do so, which motivated me a lot. I decided to try to revisit things that I have discovered some time ago in Cryengine. Basically if you move far enough away from the centre of the virtual world you will see objects disappearing. 15:00 - HIGHESTTOWER I thought that the creation of the newest highest tower in the universe could be a funny thing to document so I started creating this video and blog post in a bit of a different style than my other content. I climbed higher and higher onto my way out of the atmosphere through the stratosphere and beyond into the orbit. 20:00 - NOBOUNDARIES The creation of this map was basically a whole out-of-boundaries experience. I had to build some nice base map just for entertainment to have something to crash intro when doing a space jump and to entertain if someone is watching. 25:00 - SPACEELEVATOR I basically ended up building a space elevator that does not elevate you which probably makes my name giving abilities questionable. I am still very happy with the result of the countless hours (or minutes) I spend building this epic record breaking level. I will keep hunting and chasing records and I need subscribers, likes, shares and many comments and people who follow me everywhere because part of my story here is that I share my content on many different pages. So keep in mind to stay an onion and watch my video or don’t. Have a nice “HALO-Jump”! Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups
I BUILT THE HIGHEST TOWER In Cryengine - MYSTORY Nr45 The Highest Tower In A Game Editor How to build the highest tower in a game engine. Highest possible building in Cyengine. Highest building simulator video. Basically a virtual Burj Khalifa. #HIGHESTBUILDING, #OUTOFBOUNDARIES, #CRYENGINE, #Epic, #Art, #highesttower, #newcryengine, #mapeditor, #gamedev, #record, #gamingrecord, #stratospheretower, #spaceelevator, #spacejump, #atmodepth PLAYLIST: _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - RECORDBUILDING Hello World, Hello Viewers! Some of the viewers or reads, basically consumers of this content, might know that I also like to create and build things, not only in games but also in real-life. This post is not about that. 5:00 - MAPEDITOR Just kidding here! I decided to install CryengineV, version 5.1 with the amazing GameSDK, version 5.0 the first time on my new powerful rig. I am very crazy about making levels and structures and stuff in map editors and I love it when I can remix already amazing game assets intro other higher complex constructions. 10:00 - SPEEDART I am relatively fast at editing maps and levels in virtual worlds because I feel like a higher being when I do so, which motivated me a lot. I decided to try to revisit things that I have discovered some time ago in Cryengine. Basically if you move far enough away from the centre of the virtual world you will see objects disappearing. 15:00 - HIGHESTTOWER I thought that the creation of the newest highest tower in the universe could be a funny thing to document so I started creating this video and blog post in a bit of a different style than my other content. I climbed higher and higher onto my way out of the atmosphere through the stratosphere and beyond into the orbit. 20:00 - NOBOUNDARIES The creation of this map was basically a whole out-of-boundaries experience. I had to build some nice base map just for entertainment to have something to crash intro when doing a space jump and to entertain if someone is watching. 25:00 - SPACEELEVATOR I basically ended up building a space elevator that does not elevate you which probably makes my name giving abilities questionable. I am still very happy with the result of the countless hours (or minutes) I spend building this epic record breaking level. I will keep hunting and chasing records and I need subscribers, likes, shares and many comments and people who follow me everywhere because part of my story here is that I share my content on many different pages. So keep in mind to stay an onion and watch my video or don’t. Have a nice “HALO-Jump”! Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups
I BUILT THE HIGHEST TOWER In Cryengine - MYSTORY Nr45 The Highest Tower In A Game Editor How to build the highest tower in a game engine. Highest possible building in Cyengine. Highest building simulator video. Basically a virtual Burj Khalifa. #HIGHESTBUILDING, #OUTOFBOUNDARIES, #CRYENGINE, #Epic, #Art, #highesttower, #newcryengine, #mapeditor, #gamedev, #record, #gamingrecord, #stratospheretower, #spaceelevator, #spacejump, #atmodepth PLAYLIST: _______________ TEXT _______________ The Main Content Section Of This Post 0:00 - RECORDBUILDING Hello World, Hello Viewers! Some of the viewers or reads, basically consumers of this content, might know that I also like to create and build things, not only in games but also in real-life. This post is not about that. 5:00 - MAPEDITOR Just kidding here! I decided to install CryengineV, version 5.1 with the amazing GameSDK, version 5.0 the first time on my new powerful rig. I am very crazy about making levels and structures and stuff in map editors and I love it when I can remix already amazing game assets intro other higher complex constructions. 10:00 - SPEEDART I am relatively fast at editing maps and levels in virtual worlds because I feel like a higher being when I do so, which motivated me a lot. I decided to try to revisit things that I have discovered some time ago in Cryengine. Basically if you move far enough away from the centre of the virtual world you will see objects disappearing. 15:00 - HIGHESTTOWER I thought that the creation of the newest highest tower in the universe could be a funny thing to document so I started creating this video and blog post in a bit of a different style than my other content. I climbed higher and higher onto my way out of the atmosphere through the stratosphere and beyond into the orbit. 20:00 - NOBOUNDARIES The creation of this map was basically a whole out-of-boundaries experience. I had to build some nice base map just for entertainment to have something to crash intro when doing a space jump and to entertain if someone is watching. 25:00 - SPACEELEVATOR I basically ended up building a space elevator that does not elevate you which probably makes my name giving abilities questionable. I am still very happy with the result of the countless hours (or minutes) I spend building this epic record breaking level. I will keep hunting and chasing records and I need subscribers, likes, shares and many comments and people who follow me everywhere because part of my story here is that I share my content on many different pages. So keep in mind to stay an onion and watch my video or don’t. Have a nice “HALO-Jump”! Yours Sincerely, @ATMODEPTH X - About Section/ Personal Stuff All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact) All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups
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