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I become test Scorum validator
I saw call of Scorum team member Dasha calling for people to become Scorum validators and decided to try setup test machine to see if I can setup it and become one and to gain some more knowledge about what it is, how it works and what can be possible reward. Here is how I did it and what I discovered. Worth mentioning is that I am not new on GNU/Linux and that I have some previous experience with this operating system especially with Debian based distributions which I use even on my Desktop computer. Manual for this is on this web site, but it need update: Scorum validator guid I must express special thanks to user remiibs from Inter Blockchain Services without whose help I'd never end up this task because this tutorial of scorum team is not up to date and accurate. Tutorial mentioned it is for Ubuntu 20, but it should work for Debian too. So I went to server hosting company, hired cheepest VPS which satisfies minimal requirements, installed Ubuntu 20 there, enabled secure shell ssh access via secure key, secured it a little with firewall rules and fail2ban script, forbid root login and was ready to start with this tutorial. First ensure you have git and make installed. If you don't have them, install with apt like root: apt install -y git make lz4 Like root user i added user scorum and added it to sudoers and like tutorial said I become scorum user with su command. adduser scorum adduser scorum sudo su - scorum Next step was to download go-lang Tutorial said remove previos version if it exist and extract it with tar command in /usr/local folder, but alas user scorum has no rights to write in /usr/local and it throws multiple "Operation not permited errors". Also go version on tutorial is outdated. rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.20.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz So don't use above command but do this bellow like root user instead: rm -rf /usr/local/go (if it has nothing to delete directory doesn't exist you are fine) Download newer version of go lang from here: Pick up 1.22 and version appropriate for your architecture from here: For me it is this: It is working with 1.22.5 too so you can pickup the newest too. Then like root user do this to extract it in /usr/local/ directory. tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz Ensure path toward go is in user's PATH variable and that it will be there after you logout and log in. Return to normal user with su scorum and do this like that user. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin echo export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin >> ~/.bashrc Check your go version with: go version As scorum user do rm ~/.network to ensure there is no such file inside your home. If it says file does not exist you're fine. cd to home directory of scorum user with cd ~ Do git clone to get scorumdcode and cd to cosmos-network directory git clone cd cosmos-network Thanks to remiibs I learned I should do this after: git checkout v1.0.2 Then install scorumd with make install After this you need to change your $PATH again as scorumd command is in that folder. nano /home/scorum/.bashrc then ensure line with export PATH has this on the end: :/home/scorum/go/bin/ Then do ctrl+o to save file and ctrl+x to save it. You need also to add it in PATH for current session with export PATH=$PATH::/home/scorum/go/bin/ You can also copy scorumd from there into /usr/local/go/bin/ folder which is already in the path. then check your scorumd version with this command as scorum user: scorumd version Congratulations, you ended phase 1 of this. Now comes tricky part. Instead what manual says do this: scorumd init NameOfYourValidator --chain-id scorum-1 Notice --chain-id scorum-1 which is missing in original tutorial which makes you end up in errors saying expected scorum get test blah blah. I decided to name my validator as PaulBreitner so I did: scorumd init PaulBreitner --chain-id scorum-1 do cd ~ to return in /home/scorum/ Then do this to add your key. Name of my key is PaulBreitner same what I used above. It does not need to be the same. It could be HarryKane. /home/scorum/go/bin/scorumd keys add PaulBreitner --recover -i Without recover it will create and import key with that name. In case of recover command will ask you for 12 word passphrase (if you setup wallet for that you know that), I setup separate kerpl wallet extension in other browser for this and entered it. It will also ask you for keyring phrase which you will need to type when you manipulate with that key. If you don't have key you do that comand without --recover and it will create key for you. I then converted 1 SCR I have on that account to SP with /home/scorum/go/bin/scorumd tx scorum convert-scr2sp 1000000000 --from PaulBreitner --fees 200000gas --chain-id scorum-1 Notice 1000000000, that's in nano Scorum or nscr. It has 9 zeroes. Then do this to get genesis.json file from here: wget Move genesis.json file you downloaded into hidden directory .scorum/config mv genesis.json .scorum/config/ Then edit configuration file nano ~/.scorum/config/config.toml Ensure you change this line and ensure everything is in one line and not like here: persistent_peers = "7ef17f1ce5416c6f71a0b0767ee2018ad6d6fb49@" You can leave seeds = "" and save and exit with ctrl+o and ctrl+x. Let's prepare service for automatic start with editing this file: nano /etc/systemd/system/scorumd.service [Unit] Description= Scorum Validator [Service] User=scorum ExecStart=/home/scorum/go/bin/scorumd start --home /home/scorum/.scorum Restart=on-failure RestartSec=3 LimitNOFILE=65535 [Install] save it ctrl+o and exit ctrl+x. As far as I understand this is quick way to delete and sync with database: scorumd tendermint unsafe-reset-all curl -o - -L | lz4 -c -d - | tar -x -C $HOME/.scorum Attention. File will have different name in future, you go to to check the newest file. Everything should be ready and you can start service with: systemctl start scorumd Hopefully you will not get error. You can check if service is running with systemctl status scorumd You can watch log file with: journaltcl -u scorumd.service -f You are not validator yet! You need to add one! scorumd tx staking create-validator --amount=10000000000nsp --pubkey=$(scorumd tendermint show-validator) --moniker="PaulBreitner" --website="" --details="" --commission-rate="1" --commission-max-rate="1" --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" --min-self-delegation="1" --from="PaulBreitner" --chain-id="scorum-1" --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.4 —fees=300000gas In from field is key name in moniker is how you want others to see your validator. If everything is all right you should see yourself here: like PaulBreitner sees himself. You can see your validator address. I really struggle to understand gas concept here because I tried to add more SP like 9 and hardly succeed after remiibs tried multiple times. I believe command which worked was: scorumd tx staking delegate scorumvaloper16epml3n9qd94pthztcf4vsz0awsjdgjh4hj2ny 9000000000nsp --chain-id scorum-1 --from PaulBreitner --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.4 --fees 300000gas I got plenty of errors regarding not having enough gas fee, despite keplr wallet shows I have 1000000, but command says I don't have enough for transaction which should charge around 250,000 or 300000. Remiibs did some magic with -fees and --gas=auto switches and I added 9 more SCR so I have 10 now. As you can see Scorum team has 10 validators with 750,000 SP which are big whales, so with 10 SP I am just plankton here. I can confirm that on lowest CPU 4 GB of memory and 100GB SSD hard disk rewards for me are approximately 43000 nscr per hour. As Remiibs said if I had 100 SP it would be x10 because reward depends of SP staked or "voting power". He also warned me if I have too low specs I could miss some blocks and be eliminated from list in case of higher usage, but so far I didn't see any load or problem on this VPS I took. He also told there is no way others can vote for me as delegate because this is not ready yet. If I understand correctly if other vote and stake SP on me I'd get bigger reward and they'd have their share of it. You can check your rewards with: scorumd query distribution commission yourvalidatoraddress I got two more VPSes to install prometheus and grafana to monitor validator. Tutorial for that is here, but beware json file from tutorial is not for scorum, but remiibs gave me proper json file for scorum and I've got nice graphs: Those 7 I missed was because I shut down validator by mistake for couple of moments I believe. It was nice experiment. If someone from Scorum team can explain gas concept it would be highly appreciated. Keplr wallet says I have million of GAS, but I can't delegate SP to myself because I don't have enough gas says error. How do you obtain gas, why I don't have enough if transaction requires 300000 and I have 1000000 ? Thank you in advance.

I become test Scorum validator
I saw call of Scorum team member Dasha calling for people to become Scorum validators and decided to try setup test machine to see if I can setup it and become one and to gain some more knowledge about what it is, how it works and what can be possible reward. Here is how I did it and what I discovered. Worth mentioning is that I am not new on GNU/Linux and that I have some previous experience with this operating system especially with Debian based distributions which I use even on my Desktop computer. Manual for this is on this web site, but it need update: Scorum validator guid I must express special thanks to user remiibs from Inter Blockchain Services without whose help I'd never end up this task because this tutorial of scorum team is not up to date and accurate. Tutorial mentioned it is for Ubuntu 20, but it should work for Debian too. So I went to server hosting company, hired cheepest VPS which satisfies minimal requirements, installed Ubuntu 20 there, enabled secure shell ssh access via secure key, secured it a little with firewall rules and fail2ban script, forbid root login and was ready to start with this tutorial. First ensure you have git and make installed. If you don't have them, install with apt like root: apt install -y git make lz4 Like root user i added user scorum and added it to sudoers and like tutorial said I become scorum user with su command. adduser scorum adduser scorum sudo su - scorum Next step was to download go-lang Tutorial said remove previos version if it exist and extract it with tar command in /usr/local folder, but alas user scorum has no rights to write in /usr/local and it throws multiple "Operation not permited errors". Also go version on tutorial is outdated. rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.20.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz So don't use above command but do this bellow like root user instead: rm -rf /usr/local/go (if it has nothing to delete directory doesn't exist you are fine) Download newer version of go lang from here: Pick up 1.22 and version appropriate for your architecture from here: For me it is this: It is working with 1.22.5 too so you can pickup the newest too. Then like root user do this to extract it in /usr/local/ directory. tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz Ensure path toward go is in user's PATH variable and that it will be there after you logout and log in. Return to normal user with su scorum and do this like that user. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin echo export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin >> ~/.bashrc Check your go version with: go version As scorum user do rm ~/.network to ensure there is no such file inside your home. If it says file does not exist you're fine. cd to home directory of scorum user with cd ~ Do git clone to get scorumdcode and cd to cosmos-network directory git clone cd cosmos-network Thanks to remiibs I learned I should do this after: git checkout v1.0.2 Then install scorumd with make install After this you need to change your $PATH again as scorumd command is in that folder. nano /home/scorum/.bashrc then ensure line with export PATH has this on the end: :/home/scorum/go/bin/ Then do ctrl+o to save file and ctrl+x to save it. You need also to add it in PATH for current session with export PATH=$PATH::/home/scorum/go/bin/ You can also copy scorumd from there into /usr/local/go/bin/ folder which is already in the path. then check your scorumd version with this command as scorum user: scorumd version Congratulations, you ended phase 1 of this. Now comes tricky part. Instead what manual says do this: scorumd init NameOfYourValidator --chain-id scorum-1 Notice --chain-id scorum-1 which is missing in original tutorial which makes you end up in errors saying expected scorum get test blah blah. I decided to name my validator as PaulBreitner so I did: scorumd init PaulBreitner --chain-id scorum-1 do cd ~ to return in /home/scorum/ Then do this to add your key. Name of my key is PaulBreitner same what I used above. It does not need to be the same. It could be HarryKane. /home/scorum/go/bin/scorumd keys add PaulBreitner --recover -i Without recover it will create and import key with that name. In case of recover command will ask you for 12 word passphrase (if you setup wallet for that you know that), I setup separate kerpl wallet extension in other browser for this and entered it. It will also ask you for keyring phrase which you will need to type when you manipulate with that key. If you don't have key you do that comand without --recover and it will create key for you. I then converted 1 SCR I have on that account to SP with /home/scorum/go/bin/scorumd tx scorum convert-scr2sp 1000000000 --from PaulBreitner --fees 200000gas --chain-id scorum-1 Notice 1000000000, that's in nano Scorum or nscr. It has 9 zeroes. Then do this to get genesis.json file from here: wget Move genesis.json file you downloaded into hidden directory .scorum/config mv genesis.json .scorum/config/ Then edit configuration file nano ~/.scorum/config/config.toml Ensure you change this line and ensure everything is in one line and not like here: persistent_peers = "7ef17f1ce5416c6f71a0b0767ee2018ad6d6fb49@" You can leave seeds = "" and save and exit with ctrl+o and ctrl+x. Let's prepare service for automatic start with editing this file: nano /etc/systemd/system/scorumd.service [Unit] Description= Scorum Validator [Service] User=scorum ExecStart=/home/scorum/go/bin/scorumd start --home /home/scorum/.scorum Restart=on-failure RestartSec=3 LimitNOFILE=65535 [Install] save it ctrl+o and exit ctrl+x. As far as I understand this is quick way to delete and sync with database: scorumd tendermint unsafe-reset-all curl -o - -L | lz4 -c -d - | tar -x -C $HOME/.scorum Attention. File will have different name in future, you go to to check the newest file. Everything should be ready and you can start service with: systemctl start scorumd Hopefully you will not get error. You can check if service is running with systemctl status scorumd You can watch log file with: journaltcl -u scorumd.service -f You are not validator yet! You need to add one! scorumd tx staking create-validator --amount=10000000000nsp --pubkey=$(scorumd tendermint show-validator) --moniker="PaulBreitner" --website="" --details="" --commission-rate="1" --commission-max-rate="1" --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" --min-self-delegation="1" --from="PaulBreitner" --chain-id="scorum-1" --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.4 —fees=300000gas In from field is key name in moniker is how you want others to see your validator. If everything is all right you should see yourself here: like PaulBreitner sees himself. You can see your validator address. I really struggle to understand gas concept here because I tried to add more SP like 9 and hardly succeed after remiibs tried multiple times. I believe command which worked was: scorumd tx staking delegate scorumvaloper16epml3n9qd94pthztcf4vsz0awsjdgjh4hj2ny 9000000000nsp --chain-id scorum-1 --from PaulBreitner --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.4 --fees 300000gas I got plenty of errors regarding not having enough gas fee, despite keplr wallet shows I have 1000000, but command says I don't have enough for transaction which should charge around 250,000 or 300000. Remiibs did some magic with -fees and --gas=auto switches and I added 9 more SCR so I have 10 now. As you can see Scorum team has 10 validators with 750,000 SP which are big whales, so with 10 SP I am just plankton here. I can confirm that on lowest CPU 4 GB of memory and 100GB SSD hard disk rewards for me are approximately 43000 nscr per hour. As Remiibs said if I had 100 SP it would be x10 because reward depends of SP staked or "voting power". He also warned me if I have too low specs I could miss some blocks and be eliminated from list in case of higher usage, but so far I didn't see any load or problem on this VPS I took. He also told there is no way others can vote for me as delegate because this is not ready yet. If I understand correctly if other vote and stake SP on me I'd get bigger reward and they'd have their share of it. You can check your rewards with: scorumd query distribution commission yourvalidatoraddress I got two more VPSes to install prometheus and grafana to monitor validator. Tutorial for that is here, but beware json file from tutorial is not for scorum, but remiibs gave me proper json file for scorum and I've got nice graphs: Those 7 I missed was because I shut down validator by mistake for couple of moments I believe. It was nice experiment. If someone from Scorum team can explain gas concept it would be highly appreciated. Keplr wallet says I have million of GAS, but I can't delegate SP to myself because I don't have enough gas says error. How do you obtain gas, why I don't have enough if transaction requires 300000 and I have 1000000 ? Thank you in advance.

I become test Scorum validator
I saw call of Scorum team member Dasha calling for people to become Scorum validators and decided to try setup test machine to see if I can setup it and become one and to gain some more knowledge about what it is, how it works and what can be possible reward. Here is how I did it and what I discovered. Worth mentioning is that I am not new on GNU/Linux and that I have some previous experience with this operating system especially with Debian based distributions which I use even on my Desktop computer. Manual for this is on this web site, but it need update: Scorum validator guid I must express special thanks to user remiibs from Inter Blockchain Services without whose help I'd never end up this task because this tutorial of scorum team is not up to date and accurate. Tutorial mentioned it is for Ubuntu 20, but it should work for Debian too. So I went to server hosting company, hired cheepest VPS which satisfies minimal requirements, installed Ubuntu 20 there, enabled secure shell ssh access via secure key, secured it a little with firewall rules and fail2ban script, forbid root login and was ready to start with this tutorial. First ensure you have git and make installed. If you don't have them, install with apt like root: apt install -y git make lz4 Like root user i added user scorum and added it to sudoers and like tutorial said I become scorum user with su command. adduser scorum adduser scorum sudo su - scorum Next step was to download go-lang Tutorial said remove previos version if it exist and extract it with tar command in /usr/local folder, but alas user scorum has no rights to write in /usr/local and it throws multiple "Operation not permited errors". Also go version on tutorial is outdated. rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.20.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz So don't use above command but do this bellow like root user instead: rm -rf /usr/local/go (if it has nothing to delete directory doesn't exist you are fine) Download newer version of go lang from here: Pick up 1.22 and version appropriate for your architecture from here: For me it is this: It is working with 1.22.5 too so you can pickup the newest too. Then like root user do this to extract it in /usr/local/ directory. tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz Ensure path toward go is in user's PATH variable and that it will be there after you logout and log in. Return to normal user with su scorum and do this like that user. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin echo export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin >> ~/.bashrc Check your go version with: go version As scorum user do rm ~/.network to ensure there is no such file inside your home. If it says file does not exist you're fine. cd to home directory of scorum user with cd ~ Do git clone to get scorumdcode and cd to cosmos-network directory git clone cd cosmos-network Thanks to remiibs I learned I should do this after: git checkout v1.0.2 Then install scorumd with make install After this you need to change your $PATH again as scorumd command is in that folder. nano /home/scorum/.bashrc then ensure line with export PATH has this on the end: :/home/scorum/go/bin/ Then do ctrl+o to save file and ctrl+x to save it. You need also to add it in PATH for current session with export PATH=$PATH::/home/scorum/go/bin/ You can also copy scorumd from there into /usr/local/go/bin/ folder which is already in the path. then check your scorumd version with this command as scorum user: scorumd version Congratulations, you ended phase 1 of this. Now comes tricky part. Instead what manual says do this: scorumd init NameOfYourValidator --chain-id scorum-1 Notice --chain-id scorum-1 which is missing in original tutorial which makes you end up in errors saying expected scorum get test blah blah. I decided to name my validator as PaulBreitner so I did: scorumd init PaulBreitner --chain-id scorum-1 do cd ~ to return in /home/scorum/ Then do this to add your key. Name of my key is PaulBreitner same what I used above. It does not need to be the same. It could be HarryKane. /home/scorum/go/bin/scorumd keys add PaulBreitner --recover -i Without recover it will create and import key with that name. In case of recover command will ask you for 12 word passphrase (if you setup wallet for that you know that), I setup separate kerpl wallet extension in other browser for this and entered it. It will also ask you for keyring phrase which you will need to type when you manipulate with that key. If you don't have key you do that comand without --recover and it will create key for you. I then converted 1 SCR I have on that account to SP with /home/scorum/go/bin/scorumd tx scorum convert-scr2sp 1000000000 --from PaulBreitner --fees 200000gas --chain-id scorum-1 Notice 1000000000, that's in nano Scorum or nscr. It has 9 zeroes. Then do this to get genesis.json file from here: wget Move genesis.json file you downloaded into hidden directory .scorum/config mv genesis.json .scorum/config/ Then edit configuration file nano ~/.scorum/config/config.toml Ensure you change this line and ensure everything is in one line and not like here: persistent_peers = "7ef17f1ce5416c6f71a0b0767ee2018ad6d6fb49@" You can leave seeds = "" and save and exit with ctrl+o and ctrl+x. Let's prepare service for automatic start with editing this file: nano /etc/systemd/system/scorumd.service [Unit] Description= Scorum Validator [Service] User=scorum ExecStart=/home/scorum/go/bin/scorumd start --home /home/scorum/.scorum Restart=on-failure RestartSec=3 LimitNOFILE=65535 [Install] save it ctrl+o and exit ctrl+x. As far as I understand this is quick way to delete and sync with database: scorumd tendermint unsafe-reset-all curl -o - -L | lz4 -c -d - | tar -x -C $HOME/.scorum Attention. File will have different name in future, you go to to check the newest file. Everything should be ready and you can start service with: systemctl start scorumd Hopefully you will not get error. You can check if service is running with systemctl status scorumd You can watch log file with: journaltcl -u scorumd.service -f You are not validator yet! You need to add one! scorumd tx staking create-validator --amount=10000000000nsp --pubkey=$(scorumd tendermint show-validator) --moniker="PaulBreitner" --website="" --details="" --commission-rate="1" --commission-max-rate="1" --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" --min-self-delegation="1" --from="PaulBreitner" --chain-id="scorum-1" --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.4 —fees=300000gas In from field is key name in moniker is how you want others to see your validator. If everything is all right you should see yourself here: like PaulBreitner sees himself. You can see your validator address. I really struggle to understand gas concept here because I tried to add more SP like 9 and hardly succeed after remiibs tried multiple times. I believe command which worked was: scorumd tx staking delegate scorumvaloper16epml3n9qd94pthztcf4vsz0awsjdgjh4hj2ny 9000000000nsp --chain-id scorum-1 --from PaulBreitner --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.4 --fees 300000gas I got plenty of errors regarding not having enough gas fee, despite keplr wallet shows I have 1000000, but command says I don't have enough for transaction which should charge around 250,000 or 300000. Remiibs did some magic with -fees and --gas=auto switches and I added 9 more SCR so I have 10 now. As you can see Scorum team has 10 validators with 750,000 SP which are big whales, so with 10 SP I am just plankton here. I can confirm that on lowest CPU 4 GB of memory and 100GB SSD hard disk rewards for me are approximately 43000 nscr per hour. As Remiibs said if I had 100 SP it would be x10 because reward depends of SP staked or "voting power". He also warned me if I have too low specs I could miss some blocks and be eliminated from list in case of higher usage, but so far I didn't see any load or problem on this VPS I took. He also told there is no way others can vote for me as delegate because this is not ready yet. If I understand correctly if other vote and stake SP on me I'd get bigger reward and they'd have their share of it. You can check your rewards with: scorumd query distribution commission yourvalidatoraddress I got two more VPSes to install prometheus and grafana to monitor validator. Tutorial for that is here, but beware json file from tutorial is not for scorum, but remiibs gave me proper json file for scorum and I've got nice graphs: Those 7 I missed was because I shut down validator by mistake for couple of moments I believe. It was nice experiment. If someone from Scorum team can explain gas concept it would be highly appreciated. Keplr wallet says I have million of GAS, but I can't delegate SP to myself because I don't have enough gas says error. How do you obtain gas, why I don't have enough if transaction requires 300000 and I have 1000000 ? Thank you in advance.
Jimmy Kimmel Breaks Down on National TV: “I Am NOT an Elite Pedophile!”
Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel spent almost ten minutes of his recent show pleading with the audience to not listen to rumors that he is an elite pedophile connected to Jeffrey Epstein. Kimmel performed an extended opening monologue of his show trying to persuade viewers that because his name does not appear on the Jeffrey Epstein client list, this means he is exonerated of all claims that he has connections to elite pedophilia Hollywood. Kimmel brought up footage of Aaron Rodgers, who had recently questioned Kimmel’s links to Epstein, which clearly rattled Kimmel. reports: Kimmel claimed that “a lot of delusional people honestly believe I am meeting up with Tom Hanks and Oprah at Shakey’s once a week to eat pizza and drink the blood of children,” claiming that his family is being harassed because of Rodgers. Kimmel continued, “Either he actually believes my name was going to be on Epstein’s list, which is insane, or the more likely scenario is he doesn’t actually believe that he just said it because he’s mad at me for making fun of his top knot and his lies about being vaccinated.” He then played a previous clip of himself calling Aaron Rodgers names. Yes, really. The rant then continued, “So he saw that, and maybe to retaliate, he decided to insinuate that I am a pedophile. This is how these nuts do it now. You don’t like Trump? You’re a pedophile. It’s their go-to move, and it shows you how much they actually care about pedophilia.” Kimmel called Rodgers a “hamster-brained man” and said “He genuinely thinks that because God gave him the ability to throw a ball, he’s smarter than everyone else.” The host then asked for Rodgers to apologise to him, stating “If he does, do you know what I’ll do? I’ll accept his apology and move on. But he probably won’t do that. My guess is he won’t apologize.” He then suggested Trump is the real pedo by playing a clip of the former President with Epstein in the early 90s.
Jimmy Kimmel Breaks Down on National TV: “I Am NOT an Elite Pedophile!”
Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel spent almost ten minutes of his recent show pleading with the audience to not listen to rumors that he is an elite pedophile connected to Jeffrey Epstein. Kimmel performed an extended opening monologue of his show trying to persuade viewers that because his name does not appear on the Jeffrey Epstein client list, this means he is exonerated of all claims that he has connections to elite pedophilia Hollywood. Kimmel brought up footage of Aaron Rodgers, who had recently questioned Kimmel’s links to Epstein, which clearly rattled Kimmel. reports: Kimmel claimed that “a lot of delusional people honestly believe I am meeting up with Tom Hanks and Oprah at Shakey’s once a week to eat pizza and drink the blood of children,” claiming that his family is being harassed because of Rodgers. Kimmel continued, “Either he actually believes my name was going to be on Epstein’s list, which is insane, or the more likely scenario is he doesn’t actually believe that he just said it because he’s mad at me for making fun of his top knot and his lies about being vaccinated.” He then played a previous clip of himself calling Aaron Rodgers names. Yes, really. The rant then continued, “So he saw that, and maybe to retaliate, he decided to insinuate that I am a pedophile. This is how these nuts do it now. You don’t like Trump? You’re a pedophile. It’s their go-to move, and it shows you how much they actually care about pedophilia.” Kimmel called Rodgers a “hamster-brained man” and said “He genuinely thinks that because God gave him the ability to throw a ball, he’s smarter than everyone else.” The host then asked for Rodgers to apologise to him, stating “If he does, do you know what I’ll do? I’ll accept his apology and move on. But he probably won’t do that. My guess is he won’t apologize.” He then suggested Trump is the real pedo by playing a clip of the former President with Epstein in the early 90s.
Jimmy Kimmel Breaks Down on National TV: “I Am NOT an Elite Pedophile!”
Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel spent almost ten minutes of his recent show pleading with the audience to not listen to rumors that he is an elite pedophile connected to Jeffrey Epstein. Kimmel performed an extended opening monologue of his show trying to persuade viewers that because his name does not appear on the Jeffrey Epstein client list, this means he is exonerated of all claims that he has connections to elite pedophilia Hollywood. Kimmel brought up footage of Aaron Rodgers, who had recently questioned Kimmel’s links to Epstein, which clearly rattled Kimmel. reports: Kimmel claimed that “a lot of delusional people honestly believe I am meeting up with Tom Hanks and Oprah at Shakey’s once a week to eat pizza and drink the blood of children,” claiming that his family is being harassed because of Rodgers. Kimmel continued, “Either he actually believes my name was going to be on Epstein’s list, which is insane, or the more likely scenario is he doesn’t actually believe that he just said it because he’s mad at me for making fun of his top knot and his lies about being vaccinated.” He then played a previous clip of himself calling Aaron Rodgers names. Yes, really. The rant then continued, “So he saw that, and maybe to retaliate, he decided to insinuate that I am a pedophile. This is how these nuts do it now. You don’t like Trump? You’re a pedophile. It’s their go-to move, and it shows you how much they actually care about pedophilia.” Kimmel called Rodgers a “hamster-brained man” and said “He genuinely thinks that because God gave him the ability to throw a ball, he’s smarter than everyone else.” The host then asked for Rodgers to apologise to him, stating “If he does, do you know what I’ll do? I’ll accept his apology and move on. But he probably won’t do that. My guess is he won’t apologize.” He then suggested Trump is the real pedo by playing a clip of the former President with Epstein in the early 90s.
Top 10 Cryptocurrencies with High Potential in Long Term
Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that use cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. They are decentralized, meaning they are not controlled by a central authority, and they operate on a network of computers called a blockchain. Here, the blockchain is a ledger that records all transactions that have taken place on the network and is continuously updated by the participants. There are thousands of different cryptocurrencies in the market, each with its own purpose, features, advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are more popular and valuable than others, and some of them have more potential for future growth and innovation. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 cryptocurrencies with high potential based on their market capitalization, performance and prospects. Top 10 Cryptocurrencies with Very High ROI Potential Check out our list of the top 10 cryptocurrencies with high potential in 2023. This list includes new, old and popular cryptos that have the potential to provide really high returns. Gerino (GNC) Gerino Coin (GNC) is a new crypto that is giving bitcoin a run for its money. It is based on blockchain technology and allows for instant, low-cost payments anywhere in the world. Gerino Coin uses a decentralized system, meaning no single entity controls the network, ensuring the security and privacy of your money and transactions. Additionally, Gerino Coin has passed key compliance milestones to meet regulatory requirements, giving investors greater confidence in the project’s legitimacy and long-term viability. One of the most important features of Gerino Coin’s trading platform is its ability to eliminate trading losses. This is achieved through the use of thousands of experienced traders who help users to make profits and offset existing losses. Users can also take advantage of Gerino’s copy trading feature to copy the trades of the most profitable traders, allowing them to build a profitable portfolio without the need for extensive knowledge of crypto and trading. Gerino Coin is still in its infancy, which provides investors with an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this innovative cryptocurrency. With its many advantages and growth prospects, Guerino Coin is poised to become a significant player in the digital currency market. Chancer (CHANCER) Chancer is a decentralized prediction market app based on blockchain technology that is challenging traditional bookmakers and betting houses by democratizing betting and empowering bettors who often face adverse odds set by these bookmakers. The app was created by entrepreneur brothers Adam and Paul Kelby, who identified a gap in the betting market and decided to introduce a new platform that allows bettors to set fair odds. Chancer operates as a fully peer-to-peer betting facilitator, allowing people to place small bets between friends or participate in global, viral bets on major events such as the Superbowl, the Oscars or even the US presidential elections. Unlike most betting houses, which only allow users to bet on sports, Chancer enables users to bet on any event. Additionally, it uses Google’s WebRTC technology for live streaming and communication between betting enthusiasts around the world. Ripple (XRP) XRP is the cryptocurrency that powers the XRP Ledger, a decentralized network that facilitates fast and cheap cross-border payments. XRP was created in 2012 by Jed McCaleb, Arthur Brito, and David Schwartz, who later founded Ripple Labs, a company that provides payment solutions using XRP and other technologies. The main advantage of XRP is its speed and efficiency, as it can process transactions in seconds and handle thousands of transactions per second. The main disadvantage of XRP is its legal and regulatory uncertainty, as it has faced numerous lawsuits and investigations from authorities regarding its status and distribution. XRP’s potential lies in its ability to disrupt the global payments industry, which is dominated by slow and expensive intermediaries such as banks and remittance services. XRP can also enable new use cases and opportunities for various sectors and industries such as gaming, e-commerce, media, healthcare and more. XRP price has increased by more than 12000% since April 2016, reaching an all-time high of over $3 in January 2023. Binance Coin (BNB) Binance Coin is the native token of Binance, one of the largest and most popular crypto exchanges in the world. It is already in the top 5 in most of the list of covering top cryptocurrencies. BNB still has a long journey ahead and can offer you very high returns. Binance Coin was launched in 2017 by Changpeng Zhao (CZ), the founder and CEO of Binance. Binance Coin can be used to trade on Binance and pay fees, as well as access various services and products offered by the Binance ecosystem, such as Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain, Binance DEX, Binance Launchpad, and more. The main advantage of Binance Coin is its utility and value, as it offers discounts and incentives for users of Binance and its partners. The main disadvantage of Binance Coin is its dependency and centralization, as it is heavily influenced by the decisions and actions of Binance and CZ. Binance Coin’s potential lies in its ability to support the growth and development of the Binance ecosystem, which is constantly expanding and innovating in the crypto space. Binance Coin could also benefit from the growing demand and adoption of cryptocurrencies, especially in emerging markets where Binance has a strong presence. The price of Binance Coin has increased by more than 2000% since July 2017, reaching an all-time high of over $600 in April 2023. Cardano (ADA) Cardano is a blockchain platform that aims to create a more scalable, secure and sustainable foundation for decentralized applications and systems. Cardano was launched in 2017 by Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Ethereum and BitShares. Cardano was developed by three entities: the Cardano Foundation, IOHK and Emurgo. The main advantage of Cardano is its scientific and academic approach, as it is based on peer-reviewed research and formal methods that ensure its quality and reliability. The main disadvantage of Cardano is its slow and cautious development, as it has taken years to perfect its roadmap and deliver its features. Cardano’s potential lies in its ability to solve some of the challenges and limitations of existing blockchains, such as scalability, interoperability, governance, and stability. Cardano is also designed to support social and economic applications that could improve the lives of millions of people around the world, especially in developing countries. Cardano price has increased by more than 4000% since October 2017, reaching an all-time high of over $2 in May 2023. Solana (SOL) Solana is a blockchain platform that claims to be the fastest and most scalable in the world. Solana was founded in 2017 by Anatoly Yakovenko, a former Qualcomm and Dropbox engineer. Solana uses a novel consensus mechanism called Proof of History (POH), which timestamps transactions using a high-frequency Verifiable Delay Function (VDF). The main advantage of Solana is its performance and innovation, as it can process over 50,000 transactions per second with sub-second finality and low fees. Solana’s main disadvantages are its complexity and competition, as it requires advanced hardware and software to run its network and faces fierce competition from other blockchain platforms. Solana’s potential lies in its ability to enable a new generation of decentralized applications that require high speed and scalability, such as DeFi, NFTs, gaming, streaming, social media, and more. Solana also supports interoperability with other blockchains through bridges and protocols such as Wormhole and Serum. Solana’s price has increased by more than 16,000% since April 2020, reaching an all-time high of over $70 in August 2023. Polkadot (DOT) Polkadot is a blockchain platform founded in 2016 by Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum and creator of the Solidity programming language, developed by Parity Technologies, Web3 Foundation and Polkadot Network. Its goal is to create a network of interoperable blockchains capable of seamless exchange of data and value. This is accomplished through its ability to facilitate cross-blockchain transfers of any data or asset type, not just tokens. By connecting to Polkadot, users can interoperate with a wide range of blockchains within the Polkadot network. Additionally, Polkadot provides unparalleled economic scalability by allowing a common set of validators to secure multiple blockchains and transactional scalability by distributing transactions across multiple parallel blockchains. This makes it easier than ever to build and connect decentralized applications, services and institutions. In short, Polkadot is a powerful platform that is helping to shape the future of the decentralized web. Shiba Memu (SHMU) Supercharged with AI, Shiba Memu can self-market by handling its own PR, social media posts, forum interactions, and generating personalized content to ensure engagement and conversions. It has the power of over 100 marketing agencies in one place, continuously scouring the internet for mentions of its brand, analyzing sentiment, and learning and adapting new marketing strategies to maintain a positive reputation. Investors in SHMU can expect to be rewarded with plenty of treats. Users can earn more SHMU tokens simply by providing feedback, with any suggestions adopted by Shiba Memu resulting in additional tokens for those who contributed. AltSignals (ASI) AltSignals, established in 2017, is a successful trading platform with a user base of 50,000 and a Trustpilot rating of 4.9/5. The platform provides its users with accurate trading signals for a wide range of markets, including crypto, gold, forex, and more. In an effort to improve its platform, AltSignals is launching AI-powered ActualizeAI, which will increase signal accuracy to over 80%. To fund this project, AltSignals has released its own native token, ASI. Purchasing 50,000 ASI tokens grants lifetime access to ActualizeAI. All token holders gain exclusive access to the AI Members Club, where they can participate in private presale events, stake their tokens, earn more tokens, and much more. Metacade (MCADE) Metacade is an innovative blockchain-based project that aims to establish the largest play-to-earn virtual video arcade within the metaverse. It serves as a community hub where gamers can connect with each other, earn rewards while playing P2E titles, and be a part of the Web3 gaming revolution. Users can also earn passive income through social interactions within the community, such as writing game reviews or participating in live chats. The Metagrants program supports new developers in launching their Web3 careers and propels GameFi gaming production forward. Developers can submit their ideas to receive funding for the development of new exclusive titles, with the most popular being awarded a Metagrant. The program is set to launch in Q3 2023, with the first title releasing in Q1 2024. With its promising roadmap and long-term potential, predictions suggest that MCADE’s price could exceed $1 in 2023, presenting a lucrative opportunity for investors to make substantial gains. Conclusion If you are looking to invest in crypto then we would suggest you choose from this list of top 10 cryptocurrencies with high potential. Top picks like Gerino will eliminate risk and guarantee the best returns in the market. So do proper research and invest now! Source:
Top 10 Cryptocurrencies with High Potential in Long Term
Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that use cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. They are decentralized, meaning they are not controlled by a central authority, and they operate on a network of computers called a blockchain. Here, the blockchain is a ledger that records all transactions that have taken place on the network and is continuously updated by the participants. There are thousands of different cryptocurrencies in the market, each with its own purpose, features, advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are more popular and valuable than others, and some of them have more potential for future growth and innovation. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 cryptocurrencies with high potential based on their market capitalization, performance and prospects. Top 10 Cryptocurrencies with Very High ROI Potential Check out our list of the top 10 cryptocurrencies with high potential in 2023. This list includes new, old and popular cryptos that have the potential to provide really high returns. Gerino (GNC) Gerino Coin (GNC) is a new crypto that is giving bitcoin a run for its money. It is based on blockchain technology and allows for instant, low-cost payments anywhere in the world. Gerino Coin uses a decentralized system, meaning no single entity controls the network, ensuring the security and privacy of your money and transactions. Additionally, Gerino Coin has passed key compliance milestones to meet regulatory requirements, giving investors greater confidence in the project’s legitimacy and long-term viability. One of the most important features of Gerino Coin’s trading platform is its ability to eliminate trading losses. This is achieved through the use of thousands of experienced traders who help users to make profits and offset existing losses. Users can also take advantage of Gerino’s copy trading feature to copy the trades of the most profitable traders, allowing them to build a profitable portfolio without the need for extensive knowledge of crypto and trading. Gerino Coin is still in its infancy, which provides investors with an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this innovative cryptocurrency. With its many advantages and growth prospects, Guerino Coin is poised to become a significant player in the digital currency market. Chancer (CHANCER) Chancer is a decentralized prediction market app based on blockchain technology that is challenging traditional bookmakers and betting houses by democratizing betting and empowering bettors who often face adverse odds set by these bookmakers. The app was created by entrepreneur brothers Adam and Paul Kelby, who identified a gap in the betting market and decided to introduce a new platform that allows bettors to set fair odds. Chancer operates as a fully peer-to-peer betting facilitator, allowing people to place small bets between friends or participate in global, viral bets on major events such as the Superbowl, the Oscars or even the US presidential elections. Unlike most betting houses, which only allow users to bet on sports, Chancer enables users to bet on any event. Additionally, it uses Google’s WebRTC technology for live streaming and communication between betting enthusiasts around the world. Ripple (XRP) XRP is the cryptocurrency that powers the XRP Ledger, a decentralized network that facilitates fast and cheap cross-border payments. XRP was created in 2012 by Jed McCaleb, Arthur Brito, and David Schwartz, who later founded Ripple Labs, a company that provides payment solutions using XRP and other technologies. The main advantage of XRP is its speed and efficiency, as it can process transactions in seconds and handle thousands of transactions per second. The main disadvantage of XRP is its legal and regulatory uncertainty, as it has faced numerous lawsuits and investigations from authorities regarding its status and distribution. XRP’s potential lies in its ability to disrupt the global payments industry, which is dominated by slow and expensive intermediaries such as banks and remittance services. XRP can also enable new use cases and opportunities for various sectors and industries such as gaming, e-commerce, media, healthcare and more. XRP price has increased by more than 12000% since April 2016, reaching an all-time high of over $3 in January 2023. Binance Coin (BNB) Binance Coin is the native token of Binance, one of the largest and most popular crypto exchanges in the world. It is already in the top 5 in most of the list of covering top cryptocurrencies. BNB still has a long journey ahead and can offer you very high returns. Binance Coin was launched in 2017 by Changpeng Zhao (CZ), the founder and CEO of Binance. Binance Coin can be used to trade on Binance and pay fees, as well as access various services and products offered by the Binance ecosystem, such as Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain, Binance DEX, Binance Launchpad, and more. The main advantage of Binance Coin is its utility and value, as it offers discounts and incentives for users of Binance and its partners. The main disadvantage of Binance Coin is its dependency and centralization, as it is heavily influenced by the decisions and actions of Binance and CZ. Binance Coin’s potential lies in its ability to support the growth and development of the Binance ecosystem, which is constantly expanding and innovating in the crypto space. Binance Coin could also benefit from the growing demand and adoption of cryptocurrencies, especially in emerging markets where Binance has a strong presence. The price of Binance Coin has increased by more than 2000% since July 2017, reaching an all-time high of over $600 in April 2023. Cardano (ADA) Cardano is a blockchain platform that aims to create a more scalable, secure and sustainable foundation for decentralized applications and systems. Cardano was launched in 2017 by Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Ethereum and BitShares. Cardano was developed by three entities: the Cardano Foundation, IOHK and Emurgo. The main advantage of Cardano is its scientific and academic approach, as it is based on peer-reviewed research and formal methods that ensure its quality and reliability. The main disadvantage of Cardano is its slow and cautious development, as it has taken years to perfect its roadmap and deliver its features. Cardano’s potential lies in its ability to solve some of the challenges and limitations of existing blockchains, such as scalability, interoperability, governance, and stability. Cardano is also designed to support social and economic applications that could improve the lives of millions of people around the world, especially in developing countries. Cardano price has increased by more than 4000% since October 2017, reaching an all-time high of over $2 in May 2023. Solana (SOL) Solana is a blockchain platform that claims to be the fastest and most scalable in the world. Solana was founded in 2017 by Anatoly Yakovenko, a former Qualcomm and Dropbox engineer. Solana uses a novel consensus mechanism called Proof of History (POH), which timestamps transactions using a high-frequency Verifiable Delay Function (VDF). The main advantage of Solana is its performance and innovation, as it can process over 50,000 transactions per second with sub-second finality and low fees. Solana’s main disadvantages are its complexity and competition, as it requires advanced hardware and software to run its network and faces fierce competition from other blockchain platforms. Solana’s potential lies in its ability to enable a new generation of decentralized applications that require high speed and scalability, such as DeFi, NFTs, gaming, streaming, social media, and more. Solana also supports interoperability with other blockchains through bridges and protocols such as Wormhole and Serum. Solana’s price has increased by more than 16,000% since April 2020, reaching an all-time high of over $70 in August 2023. Polkadot (DOT) Polkadot is a blockchain platform founded in 2016 by Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum and creator of the Solidity programming language, developed by Parity Technologies, Web3 Foundation and Polkadot Network. Its goal is to create a network of interoperable blockchains capable of seamless exchange of data and value. This is accomplished through its ability to facilitate cross-blockchain transfers of any data or asset type, not just tokens. By connecting to Polkadot, users can interoperate with a wide range of blockchains within the Polkadot network. Additionally, Polkadot provides unparalleled economic scalability by allowing a common set of validators to secure multiple blockchains and transactional scalability by distributing transactions across multiple parallel blockchains. This makes it easier than ever to build and connect decentralized applications, services and institutions. In short, Polkadot is a powerful platform that is helping to shape the future of the decentralized web. Shiba Memu (SHMU) Supercharged with AI, Shiba Memu can self-market by handling its own PR, social media posts, forum interactions, and generating personalized content to ensure engagement and conversions. It has the power of over 100 marketing agencies in one place, continuously scouring the internet for mentions of its brand, analyzing sentiment, and learning and adapting new marketing strategies to maintain a positive reputation. Investors in SHMU can expect to be rewarded with plenty of treats. Users can earn more SHMU tokens simply by providing feedback, with any suggestions adopted by Shiba Memu resulting in additional tokens for those who contributed. AltSignals (ASI) AltSignals, established in 2017, is a successful trading platform with a user base of 50,000 and a Trustpilot rating of 4.9/5. The platform provides its users with accurate trading signals for a wide range of markets, including crypto, gold, forex, and more. In an effort to improve its platform, AltSignals is launching AI-powered ActualizeAI, which will increase signal accuracy to over 80%. To fund this project, AltSignals has released its own native token, ASI. Purchasing 50,000 ASI tokens grants lifetime access to ActualizeAI. All token holders gain exclusive access to the AI Members Club, where they can participate in private presale events, stake their tokens, earn more tokens, and much more. Metacade (MCADE) Metacade is an innovative blockchain-based project that aims to establish the largest play-to-earn virtual video arcade within the metaverse. It serves as a community hub where gamers can connect with each other, earn rewards while playing P2E titles, and be a part of the Web3 gaming revolution. Users can also earn passive income through social interactions within the community, such as writing game reviews or participating in live chats. The Metagrants program supports new developers in launching their Web3 careers and propels GameFi gaming production forward. Developers can submit their ideas to receive funding for the development of new exclusive titles, with the most popular being awarded a Metagrant. The program is set to launch in Q3 2023, with the first title releasing in Q1 2024. With its promising roadmap and long-term potential, predictions suggest that MCADE’s price could exceed $1 in 2023, presenting a lucrative opportunity for investors to make substantial gains. Conclusion If you are looking to invest in crypto then we would suggest you choose from this list of top 10 cryptocurrencies with high potential. Top picks like Gerino will eliminate risk and guarantee the best returns in the market. So do proper research and invest now! Source:
Top 10 Cryptocurrencies with High Potential in Long Term
Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that use cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. They are decentralized, meaning they are not controlled by a central authority, and they operate on a network of computers called a blockchain. Here, the blockchain is a ledger that records all transactions that have taken place on the network and is continuously updated by the participants. There are thousands of different cryptocurrencies in the market, each with its own purpose, features, advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are more popular and valuable than others, and some of them have more potential for future growth and innovation. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 cryptocurrencies with high potential based on their market capitalization, performance and prospects. Top 10 Cryptocurrencies with Very High ROI Potential Check out our list of the top 10 cryptocurrencies with high potential in 2023. This list includes new, old and popular cryptos that have the potential to provide really high returns. Gerino (GNC) Gerino Coin (GNC) is a new crypto that is giving bitcoin a run for its money. It is based on blockchain technology and allows for instant, low-cost payments anywhere in the world. Gerino Coin uses a decentralized system, meaning no single entity controls the network, ensuring the security and privacy of your money and transactions. Additionally, Gerino Coin has passed key compliance milestones to meet regulatory requirements, giving investors greater confidence in the project’s legitimacy and long-term viability. One of the most important features of Gerino Coin’s trading platform is its ability to eliminate trading losses. This is achieved through the use of thousands of experienced traders who help users to make profits and offset existing losses. Users can also take advantage of Gerino’s copy trading feature to copy the trades of the most profitable traders, allowing them to build a profitable portfolio without the need for extensive knowledge of crypto and trading. Gerino Coin is still in its infancy, which provides investors with an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this innovative cryptocurrency. With its many advantages and growth prospects, Guerino Coin is poised to become a significant player in the digital currency market. Chancer (CHANCER) Chancer is a decentralized prediction market app based on blockchain technology that is challenging traditional bookmakers and betting houses by democratizing betting and empowering bettors who often face adverse odds set by these bookmakers. The app was created by entrepreneur brothers Adam and Paul Kelby, who identified a gap in the betting market and decided to introduce a new platform that allows bettors to set fair odds. Chancer operates as a fully peer-to-peer betting facilitator, allowing people to place small bets between friends or participate in global, viral bets on major events such as the Superbowl, the Oscars or even the US presidential elections. Unlike most betting houses, which only allow users to bet on sports, Chancer enables users to bet on any event. Additionally, it uses Google’s WebRTC technology for live streaming and communication between betting enthusiasts around the world. Ripple (XRP) XRP is the cryptocurrency that powers the XRP Ledger, a decentralized network that facilitates fast and cheap cross-border payments. XRP was created in 2012 by Jed McCaleb, Arthur Brito, and David Schwartz, who later founded Ripple Labs, a company that provides payment solutions using XRP and other technologies. The main advantage of XRP is its speed and efficiency, as it can process transactions in seconds and handle thousands of transactions per second. The main disadvantage of XRP is its legal and regulatory uncertainty, as it has faced numerous lawsuits and investigations from authorities regarding its status and distribution. XRP’s potential lies in its ability to disrupt the global payments industry, which is dominated by slow and expensive intermediaries such as banks and remittance services. XRP can also enable new use cases and opportunities for various sectors and industries such as gaming, e-commerce, media, healthcare and more. XRP price has increased by more than 12000% since April 2016, reaching an all-time high of over $3 in January 2023. Binance Coin (BNB) Binance Coin is the native token of Binance, one of the largest and most popular crypto exchanges in the world. It is already in the top 5 in most of the list of covering top cryptocurrencies. BNB still has a long journey ahead and can offer you very high returns. Binance Coin was launched in 2017 by Changpeng Zhao (CZ), the founder and CEO of Binance. Binance Coin can be used to trade on Binance and pay fees, as well as access various services and products offered by the Binance ecosystem, such as Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain, Binance DEX, Binance Launchpad, and more. The main advantage of Binance Coin is its utility and value, as it offers discounts and incentives for users of Binance and its partners. The main disadvantage of Binance Coin is its dependency and centralization, as it is heavily influenced by the decisions and actions of Binance and CZ. Binance Coin’s potential lies in its ability to support the growth and development of the Binance ecosystem, which is constantly expanding and innovating in the crypto space. Binance Coin could also benefit from the growing demand and adoption of cryptocurrencies, especially in emerging markets where Binance has a strong presence. The price of Binance Coin has increased by more than 2000% since July 2017, reaching an all-time high of over $600 in April 2023. Cardano (ADA) Cardano is a blockchain platform that aims to create a more scalable, secure and sustainable foundation for decentralized applications and systems. Cardano was launched in 2017 by Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Ethereum and BitShares. Cardano was developed by three entities: the Cardano Foundation, IOHK and Emurgo. The main advantage of Cardano is its scientific and academic approach, as it is based on peer-reviewed research and formal methods that ensure its quality and reliability. The main disadvantage of Cardano is its slow and cautious development, as it has taken years to perfect its roadmap and deliver its features. Cardano’s potential lies in its ability to solve some of the challenges and limitations of existing blockchains, such as scalability, interoperability, governance, and stability. Cardano is also designed to support social and economic applications that could improve the lives of millions of people around the world, especially in developing countries. Cardano price has increased by more than 4000% since October 2017, reaching an all-time high of over $2 in May 2023. Solana (SOL) Solana is a blockchain platform that claims to be the fastest and most scalable in the world. Solana was founded in 2017 by Anatoly Yakovenko, a former Qualcomm and Dropbox engineer. Solana uses a novel consensus mechanism called Proof of History (POH), which timestamps transactions using a high-frequency Verifiable Delay Function (VDF). The main advantage of Solana is its performance and innovation, as it can process over 50,000 transactions per second with sub-second finality and low fees. Solana’s main disadvantages are its complexity and competition, as it requires advanced hardware and software to run its network and faces fierce competition from other blockchain platforms. Solana’s potential lies in its ability to enable a new generation of decentralized applications that require high speed and scalability, such as DeFi, NFTs, gaming, streaming, social media, and more. Solana also supports interoperability with other blockchains through bridges and protocols such as Wormhole and Serum. Solana’s price has increased by more than 16,000% since April 2020, reaching an all-time high of over $70 in August 2023. Polkadot (DOT) Polkadot is a blockchain platform founded in 2016 by Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum and creator of the Solidity programming language, developed by Parity Technologies, Web3 Foundation and Polkadot Network. Its goal is to create a network of interoperable blockchains capable of seamless exchange of data and value. This is accomplished through its ability to facilitate cross-blockchain transfers of any data or asset type, not just tokens. By connecting to Polkadot, users can interoperate with a wide range of blockchains within the Polkadot network. Additionally, Polkadot provides unparalleled economic scalability by allowing a common set of validators to secure multiple blockchains and transactional scalability by distributing transactions across multiple parallel blockchains. This makes it easier than ever to build and connect decentralized applications, services and institutions. In short, Polkadot is a powerful platform that is helping to shape the future of the decentralized web. Shiba Memu (SHMU) Supercharged with AI, Shiba Memu can self-market by handling its own PR, social media posts, forum interactions, and generating personalized content to ensure engagement and conversions. It has the power of over 100 marketing agencies in one place, continuously scouring the internet for mentions of its brand, analyzing sentiment, and learning and adapting new marketing strategies to maintain a positive reputation. Investors in SHMU can expect to be rewarded with plenty of treats. Users can earn more SHMU tokens simply by providing feedback, with any suggestions adopted by Shiba Memu resulting in additional tokens for those who contributed. AltSignals (ASI) AltSignals, established in 2017, is a successful trading platform with a user base of 50,000 and a Trustpilot rating of 4.9/5. The platform provides its users with accurate trading signals for a wide range of markets, including crypto, gold, forex, and more. In an effort to improve its platform, AltSignals is launching AI-powered ActualizeAI, which will increase signal accuracy to over 80%. To fund this project, AltSignals has released its own native token, ASI. Purchasing 50,000 ASI tokens grants lifetime access to ActualizeAI. All token holders gain exclusive access to the AI Members Club, where they can participate in private presale events, stake their tokens, earn more tokens, and much more. Metacade (MCADE) Metacade is an innovative blockchain-based project that aims to establish the largest play-to-earn virtual video arcade within the metaverse. It serves as a community hub where gamers can connect with each other, earn rewards while playing P2E titles, and be a part of the Web3 gaming revolution. Users can also earn passive income through social interactions within the community, such as writing game reviews or participating in live chats. The Metagrants program supports new developers in launching their Web3 careers and propels GameFi gaming production forward. Developers can submit their ideas to receive funding for the development of new exclusive titles, with the most popular being awarded a Metagrant. The program is set to launch in Q3 2023, with the first title releasing in Q1 2024. With its promising roadmap and long-term potential, predictions suggest that MCADE’s price could exceed $1 in 2023, presenting a lucrative opportunity for investors to make substantial gains. Conclusion If you are looking to invest in crypto then we would suggest you choose from this list of top 10 cryptocurrencies with high potential. Top picks like Gerino will eliminate risk and guarantee the best returns in the market. So do proper research and invest now! Source: