If you aren't a Steemian, you might not get the joke in my title. Over at Steemit, everything is going to happen 'soon'. Meaning, probably never. This is my favorite thing about Scorum so far... there doesn't seem to be much :soon:-ing going on. According to my friend @mikey, there was a discussion about upvoting ones' own comments. The Scorites said 'nope' and the ScorBosses changed things so that one can no longer upvote ones own comments. Nothing 'soon' about that and I respect the fuck out of it. 

Uhhhh... that was a tangent. I'm here to talk about POKER! Check this slick shit out: 

Scroum Poker League Table and Gratuitous Naked Chick. You're welcome.

We've had some beta testing so far, which have gone great. @tuck-fheman is doing an amazing job getting the site up and running; we should be ready to really play shortly! (I nearly wrote 'soon' but Tuck never does anything 'soon', lol. he's more like 'twelvesecondsafteryousaidititsdone' kinda dude. which i totally dig)

So here's my question... who wants to play?!?

love, b.