Terminology within poker can get pretty deep, especially when you find more talk to more experienced players, terms can often leave you behind in conversation which can be valuable to your game. I'm not going to cover the entire language of poker players but key points for beginners to begin grasping a deeper understanding.

The Nuts

The term "Nuts" means you have the best possible hand for the situation.


C-bet is short term for "continuation bet" this is when the pre-flop raiser continues on the flop with a bet.

Limping in

Limping is when a player put's the minimum amount allowed into the pot pre-flop, this is basically just a big-blind call.


The 3-bet is the third action bet/raise, so initially the big-blind would be considered the first, then any standard raise is the 2nd, basically a 3-bet is when you raise an initial raiser.


Fairly obvious once you understand the 3-bet, the 4-bet is when you re-raise over the 3 better.

pre flop/post flop

The term is self-explanatory but people frequently mix them up. Pre-flop is everything before the flop/3 community cards are draw. Post-flop is everything after the flop, so the turn and river action.

Donk bet

This is a more uncommon term but can be a questionable move with strategy. The donk bet is when a player out of position, bets into the pre-flop aggressor. This generally has less successful results to the other available plays.


This term is actually used wrongly all the time, originally slowroll was only applicable to a player who makes you wait to see their hand at showdown and does it in a slow manner when they have seen you cards. Many players use this out of context so it's good to clearly understand it's official meaning.


Understanding "Equity" within poker is very important, you need to relate the probability of winning to the pot value. This something that should become second nature to any poker player and in relation to potential information that can relate to patterns of play.

I highly recommend learning as much poker terminology as possible, this can be key to talking to new players about game theory, which can ultimately define your collective perspective and make you a better poker player.