I try to download the poker pulse in the Play store, interesting but a little saturated waiting for a nice card coming. Almost half an hour I sat only 1 time came a flush card.


If you want to try to download it in Play Store,


Poker is a card game whose age is quite old. The game has also evolved to create various rules. In fact, in Indonesia, it is known as a Cap-Sa game, which some of his ideas take from the game of Poker. There are also other variants such as Texas Hold'em Poker that is popular in the virtual world. The essence of the game is: Each player has five cards, the player whose card is the most excellent (if the player continues until the end of the game) is the winner.


Combination of 5 poker cards that have the same type, for example all kind of shovel or heart. Flush this value of the sleeping cards should be sequential, but the most important is the same kind.