Texas Hold'em No Limit Poker tournaments are like real endurance races, where the key to take the lead lies in finding the proper balance between chip stacking and survival. Therefore, the main goal is not so much to get the largest number of chips, as to achieve the maximum benefit with the minimum risk.

Don't play in situations where you have absolutely no advantage (regardless of the cards), avoid mistakes, making the right decisions and taking the right risks, are the necessary requirements to survive with guarantees in a tournament.

This doesn't mean, however, that you have to play in a conservative way. On the contrary, the stacking of chips is also necessary for survival and if you don't promote it to the necessary extent, you will not endure the progress of a tournament, and you might end up falling eliminated, exhausted by blind bets and without the necessary stack to continue. In competitions, the number of chips needed to ensure a quiet subsistence grows as the levels of blind bets increase, so the piling of chips must have, at least, a minimum level of growth.

On the other hand, the survival instinct must allow you to be prepared at all times to assume the consequences of each and every one of your actions, both offensive and defensive. You must be implacable when taking advantage of any coherent possibility to eliminate an opponent. You have to pose difficult decisions to your opponents. You must counteract with firmness and rigor the direct attacks you suffer, no matter how aggressive, the goal is to instill fear and respect. You have to face danger with the best options of victory. And you even have to be continually prepared to respond to all-in attacks from your rivals.

Good players should avoid imprudence, cowardice, haste, honesty, and conservatism. In that way, their survival instinct will lead them to success in the No Limit tournaments.

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                                    Article originally posted on Steemit by @jonsnow1983