Yesterday, Mikey announced that he will host the Poker Series called “The Litte @Mikey Poker Series” on ScorumPoker. I found that he needs some helps to create logos and banner to promote this series. I have a basic knowledge of photoshop and have designed the posters only for my own Scrum post. When I saw that he needs the help to create the banner, I created a random design and sent him the raw design of the poster for his Poker Series. This is the first time I have designed something for others and I was a bit nervous before sending my poster design to him. Yesterday, he suggests me to make some changes in the posters. He also told me that he would like to add the logo on the poster so he said to me to wait until @eve sent him this very creative final design of the logo.

I downloaded these two files from the google to add in this design

And finally not to forget the very creative logo

I have just started my ScorumPoker Journey, So hopefully I will also join on Mikey's Poker Series. Thank you @mikey for liking my design.

I'm not a pro designer but If you need help to create a design, you can message me on discord or telegram.