Do you want to know the secret of winning in poker?
Well of course you want - So just keep reading, find the key and unlock the lock. There is absolutely no magic trick to this.

We have one problem first though and you will need to know this.
There are those who are using the key already.
Then there are those who will be using the key when they know where it is.
Then there are those who will never be using the key.

First I will hand you some directions to where this secret master key is hidden.

The first clue: You already have the key. The key is already yours.

The second clue: Everyone has the key but not many will dare to use it

The third clue: Now it has to do with this picture below

Alright this is getting too obvious right? Or maybe not? Okay keep looking then.

What is going on? You noticed the action taking place while observing the image above?

If not take a minute or two if you can and pause what ever you are doing.
See if you can observe it.

Did you find the key which you sought?

If not, perhaps you are doing it wrong then. How are you looking to find it?
Try look one more time at the image above and this time you close your eyes which see the physical world. Then look at image again. In your minds eye. Like you would do if you were to recall how a tree or a car looks like.

Are you aware of what you just did when you did the recall? You are seing something when you recall an image. The KEY here is with what did you see it with?

Did you catch it?
Did you recall an image of the image above in your mind? Or anything else for that matter.
Then you have the key like I said.

The key is our imagination.
The directed use of our imagination, by our conscious actions in our minds, is how we use the key.

We have the content (objects on the image/the image) and the actions which we make while working with that content (observing what is on the image + more).

The use of the key is entirely up to the carrier. Some will use it to perfect their poker play, others to perfect their lives. Others will never find the key and some will not even dare to look for it.

With the use of our imagination we have the ability to imagine something better. And by training this ability, we can make better calls, perform calculated bluffs, determine hand ranges or we can make a better world for future generations.

But be careful. Our imagination can also create illusions which are the enemies of the mind, body and soul. If we use our imagination to create fantasy instead of philosophy we are set up for chaos as soon we act upon such illusions. This holds true in every corner of life and poker is no exception to this fact.

A square can be imagined and a circle can be imagined, but a square circle can not be constructed in the imagination. This fact, which everyone is free to prove otherwise, marks the border of imagination.